Indian painting style with Midjourney

<p>Indian painting has a long and rich history, characterized by various styles and techniques that have evolved over millennia. It serves as an important cultural document, capturing the beliefs, traditions, and daily life of diverse communities across the Indian subcontinent.</p> <h1>Major Indian Painting Styles:</h1> <p>All these painting styles were created using Midjourney /imagine {painting style} -v5</p> <h1>Miniature Painting</h1> <ul> <li>Characteristics: Attention to fine details, vivid colors, and often involves intricate brushwork.</li> <li>Historical Context: Gained prominence during the Mughal era but has Persian influences.</li> <li>Subcategories: Mughal, Rajput, and Deccan miniatures.</li> </ul> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>