Have Indian Muslims Grown Too Intolerant?

<p>Concern over the growing intolerance in some segments of the Indian Muslim community has grown in the past several years. It is imperative to handle this matter delicately. On the other hand, right-wing viewpoints draw attention to certain incidents that have sparked concerns about the possible trajectory that certain groups of Indian Muslims may be taking.</p> <p>One significant issue is the community&#39;s repression of dissident voices, which frequently takes the shape of religious conservatism. More and more people are reporting instances of social pressure and exclusion for expressing different opinions. Open communication is essential to a robust democracy, and it is imperative that all communities&mdash;Muslims included&mdash;accept differing viewpoints.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@anushka.pathak/have-indian-muslims-grown-too-intolerant-9b3fd47d7aab"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Indian Muslims