Connecting the Dots across the Indian Ocean

<p>The world is even smaller than we know. Follow the words&hellip;</p> <p>I&rsquo;ve always loved languages (which does not correlate to being&nbsp;<em>good&nbsp;</em>at languages!). I love the subtle process of discovery. Words are like breadcrumbs, hinting at a culture and a history that help you better understand the people within it.</p> <p>For example, when I first moved to India, I learned that, in Hindi, the word for &ldquo;yesterday&rdquo; is also the word for &ldquo;tomorrow&rdquo;: कल (&ldquo;kal&rdquo;). Even better, the word for &ldquo;the day before yesterday&rdquo; is also the word for &ldquo;the day after tomorrow&rdquo;: परसों (&ldquo;parson&rdquo; with nasal &ldquo;o&rdquo; ;). This simple phrasing, used countless times a day, speaks to something deeper &mdash; the cyclical view of life and reincarnation in Hindu faith.*</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Indian Oceans