Tag: Bad

There Is No Bad Code

Your bugs? Nothing wrong with them. The code simply does the wrong thing. It was not intended. But that’s what it does now. What will you do about it? Some don’t ship it. They understand that it’s not functionally doing what is expected, and so take the time to revi...

The 7 Signs of a Bad Programmer

There are many ways to be ineffective at a job. Here are a few that seem to be a running theme with some programmers I’ve worked with over the years: I’m a Software Engineer, not a Programmer You know what they’re like. Mechanical keyboard in the office? Can’t make the ...

Actually, Multitasking Isn’t *That* Bad. 3 Tips to Do It Well

(This article is part of a series called The 700-Word Read: journalistic, anecdotal posts that park under 700 words, to practice succinct storytelling.) Let’s just call a spade a spade: Multitasking is an essential skill in today’s remote work economy. Productivity enthusiasts...

I Have a Bad Relationship with Trust & Control

I have lost trust in the vehicle. The vehicle that my soul rides in. Better known as the body. The vessel that we rely on to navigate our lives. To make decisions. To live. Cancer made me lose that trust. But how do we reconcile that loss? I wake up each day taking medication that prevents my ...

Here’s How to Quit Bad Habits.

Introduction: My dear friends, have you ever desired a change because you felt imprisoned in an unbreakable habit cycle? Not just you, either. In this trip, we’ll delve into the intriguing science of habits, including how they develop and, more importantly, how to harness this power to...

The 12 Signs: How to know when you’re slowly but surely becoming a bad manager

No one sets out to become a bad boss. Yet, slowly but surely, it’s easy to become the bad manager we all dread. Times are stressful. You’re trying to make things happen. You notice your team isn’t as engaged as they should be. You can feel your patience getting shorter and short...

The Vicious Cycle Of Bad Management

The MIT professor notes what’s inherently obvious, but still not said out loud enough: If you want to understand why productivity is falling, we need to look first at high levels of employee turnover. If we want to solve productivity issues the first step needs to be to lower the resignat...

How to Have the Best Bad Meetings

People keep complimenting me on my meetings, and I don’t like it. It’s not even just my meetings! I get compliments for meetings that people on my team run. “Wow, people actually get stuff done in your meetings.” “I love that people don’t interrupt me.&r...

Fix Bad Meetings with the 50% Rule

I won’t bury the lead here. If you really want to improve your meetings, make sure at least 50% of your meeting time is spent with customers. Not colleagues, not bosses, not vendors. Customers. Depending on your role and your business, your customer may vary. If you make products, you...

Good and bad drawings

For myself it’s a fact that some people can draw well and some simply cannot. ‘People’ meaning adults who have been drawing long enough to know the difference. So what makes a good drawing? A good drawing shows skill, quality, originality and has meaningful content. A degree ...

Banksy: Good or Bad? Choose your side, or don’t

I’ve been meaning to write on this subject for some time now. I must say that I’m very well aware that the words of an ordinary art student do not count much in the face of a Pulitzer winning critic and a well-known curator. But, screw it. Gonna speak my mind anyway. Recently, Banksy ...

Good Ideas make for Bad Designers — (Part 1 or 3)

A few years ago, when testing a prototype made during a jam by a group of coworkers, I noted the game was cool but had some pacing issues. One of the programmers then noted that he wished they had a designer on the team. To which another instantly interjected, «I don’t see why; we had a ...

Good Ideas make for Bad Designers — (Part 3 of 3)

Game development is highly collaborative and requires the work of many people. As the industry grows, it is no longer rare to see flagship projects combining the efforts of thousands of people. Despite this, we still have a tendency to see those creations as the work of just one or a few persons. ...

The Good and The Bad of Diablo IV

Last time in the series previously titled “My Notes on Diablo IV,” I had just finished the campaign and I was in the post credits glow of game completion satisfaction and happiness. Now, I’ve invested many hours into the post-game content, as well as trying out a few differ...

The green bubble — How Apple is profiting from bad UI

How the color of a UI element became a social divide and sales tool The phone wars have raged for years. PlayStation vs Xbox. Intel vs AMD. Nvidia vs Radeon. For as long as there have been 2 competing tech options, there have been passionate fans on either side. This is true o...

E.W. Harris — How a “Bad Ghost” Made Good

I’ve known E.W. Harris for a long time. At this point in our lives, it might even be accurate to say “longer than most.” We both have older friends, to be sure, and better ones, without question, but we have been in each other’s orbits for a good while now. We survived the sa...

Do Parisians Deserve Their Bad Reputation?

A few years ago, I was waiting for a subway when an exasperated woman suddenly asked me for directions. She spoke with a thick accent, perhaps Texan. I think she wanted to go to the Eiffel Tower. I didn’t answer right away and she immediately showed signs of impatience. I guess she wanted t...

“The Bad Mitzvah”, is coming of age really that BAD?

Coming of age is fun and stressful, especially when delivering the perfect speech that will capture such a significant and personal moment. Abigail is tasked with writing her bat mitzvah speech about the Red Heifer passage from the Tora, but the copy of her original speech is described as “swe...

A Barrel of Bad Apples: The Presidents of The Toronto Police Union

Mike McCormack is the current president of the Toronto Police Association. Recently, he has been fighting against a motion to reduce the police budget by 10% because he believes that police in Toronto “do a great job each and every day”. He lamented that police officers often get “...

Bad Bounce — logo case study

The logo makes reference to many other elements from our research. It was designed with a DJ record in mind since DJs are part of the Rollerskating community. On Pinterest, we found graphic, circular illustrations of Afros as a recurring theme. Afros represent that retro aesthetic (synonymous with ...

Bad Investment? Why I Decided to Buy a Campervan With Our Hard-earned Savings

We’re so caught up worrying about tomorrow that we often forget our life is happening right now. I’m not an exception, I also have this tendency — I get anxious about the future all the time. Through higher self-awareness, I noticed spending time imagining future disasters thwar...

Bad Weather

Someone had propped a skateboard by the door of the classroom, to make quick his escape, come the bell. For it was February in Florida, the air of instruction thick with tanning butter. Why, my students wondered, did the great dead poets all live north of us? Click Here

Good COP, Bad COP

The size of the event generated enormous media attention but also led some climate activists and observers to question whether the process is worth the time, effort, and expense. Based on more than 20 years attending such meetings, my view is that the growth in attendance is understandable, a r...

How bad is wood-burning? And why do people do it?

We know now that wood-burning stoves are increasing in sales in the UK, with greatest sales in the richest parts of the country. Yet, the government refuse to ban them despite the Chief Medical Officer’s report saying the overall declines in air pollution are concurrent wit...

Baby Koalas May Be Dying Because of Bad Microbiomes

There are some animals in this world that are frightening and scary. Others that, even though it’s almost certainly a bad idea, you just want to hug. For me, koalas fall firmly into that second category. I’m certain that they won’t be anywhere near as soft and appealing as they ...


First, some background. In a normal year, we have a dry season that starts around mid-April and goes to around mid-October. Then, for a few weeks we get occasional light rain before the proper rainy season starts in the middle of November. This year, our last significant rain fell on the 17th of Feb...

Bitcoin is Dead: Why Investing Less Than $1,000 is a Bad Idea

Hello there! Let me assume you have some money saved up and you are looking for the best way to invest it. You have probably heard about Bitcoin and how it has made many people wealthy. I am sure you have an idea to invest $1,000 in Bitcoin and watch it grow exponentially into $100,000 like a mag...

Live Below Your Means Is Bad Advice; Here Is What To Do Instead

We all have heard about that phrase at some point in our lives. Living below your means is one of the most common advice you read when you start learning personal finance. This financial philosophy suggests that you should spend less than you earn and avoid excessive or unnecessary expenses. I...

How Much House Can You Afford? Sadly, It’s Bad News

After reading a report from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies titled, “The State of the Nation’s Housing,” I’m saddened and even outraged. There’s a real disconnect between what most Americans earn and what’s needed to achieve, or even strive for...

A Surprising Example Of Why Home Ownership Is A Bad Idea In 2023 America

Surprising might have been the wrong adjective. Because the data we’ll discuss in today’s article didn’t surprise me. It shocked me. I just didn’t want to be too sensational. But, really, you can’t overstate the gravity of a situation spinning out of cont...

Are Ashes Bad For Your Garden?

Many people, including me, find comfort in spending time in nature, especially in a garden, on the banks of a picturesque body of water, or under the shade of a tree on a hilltop. It is no wonder that so many people seek to make their connection point with nature more permanent by choosing to bury o...

Why Do So Many People Think I Am A Bad Parent

Being a parent of someone on the autism spectrum does bring forth some unique challenges. One is always on guard and is always prepared to expect the unexpected. There is always the sense of unpredictability of not knowing what will happen next. One of the most challenging aspects of autism is me...

Why making public transport free is a bad idea

That reasoning is appealing but happens to hold some misconceptions. First, the city of Paris isn’t in charge of the transport system. It is actually the Île-de-France region through the regional transport authority, Île-de-France Mobilités (the local equivalent of London...

2023, A Very Bad Year

I’m publishing this series of articles to share and discuss my ruminations on coping with a troubled and messy world. You can “follow” me to never miss an article. In their year-end summary, Gail Collins and Bret Stephens provide a depressing assessment of 2023, and the fear tha...

Bad Jew

I’m a bad Jew. I didn’t have a bat-Mitzvah and I don’t fast on Yom Kippur. I’ve adopted a few sweet traditions to share with friends and family, like baking challah on Friday and lighting Hanukkah candles, only in my adulthood. But while I didn’t grow up with many tradi...

Bad Words: Tolerance

These different ways of being, of simply existing, cannot be considered unpleasant or annoying without dehumanizing the subjects in question. The problem is the people who believe in hateful superstitions in the first place. The victims of those beliefs are hardly what&rsqu...

Why Talking About Sex is Bad According to My Dad

Alright, gather around folks, and let me spin you a yarn that’s going to be as spicy as your grandma’s secret salsa recipe but without the heartburn. Before we get rolling, a quick heads up: this is not your standard family-friendly chat. It’s more like that conversation you overhe...

Why Black Women With Multiple Degrees Are Seen as The Bad Guy

When a Black woman proudly announced that she received her 4th degree and became the “first woman or person of color to graduate from” her program” and has a “job offer from the state of Indiana waiting” on social media, she was expressing her joy, at breaking a gl...

Act like or be a “bad boy”

Most girls in their 20s and even 30s have some masculine ideal. This idea is anything but healthy. They want the sociopath or the aggressive jerk or whatever is considered a good representation of masculinity nowadays. The definition of a “good masculine sexual partner” is more of wha...

Why Big Bad Racists Feel The Need to Hide Their Identity

Ifwhite supremacists are confident that their worldview is justifiable, why do so many mask their identity? While it’s true that some White people are loud and proud about their disdain for Black people, many refrain from expressing racist beliefs publically, in fear such rhetoric would tarnis...

No One Ever Thinks They’re The Bad Guy, Especially The Bad Guy

Michael Douglas spent the late 80s and early 90s playing flawed white men. In the 1989 black comedy The War Of The Roses, he was a wealthy, self-centered middle-aged yuppie divorcing his equally loathsome wife. He’s a jerk, but so is she. Kathleen Turner co-starred as his spouse, which wa...

Bad Bicep Genetics — What You Need To Know

This year, one of the best pieces of advice for people who are just starting out with fitness training is to work hard, don’t give up, and reach your goals. It’s great advice that applies especially well to bicep workouts, but sometimes, no matter how hard you work, you might not see the...

Signs Of A Bad Healthcare Professional

Healthcare. Everyone needs it. Especially when it comes to physical health, but sometimes also mental health as well. To get it, people typically go to see a doctor. There is intense training and tightly regulated certification for medical workers. However, this doesn’t mean bad ones don&rsquo...

Examining Bad Experiences Via Psychology & Taoism

We collect bad experiences in the same way we collect things as a hobby. Think of the trinkets you have around the house, fridge magnets from your travels, teacups maybe, or stamps. My thing is collecting small-sized soccer balls sold at the club shops of the teams I’ve watched. I kind of c...

Surviving in a World of Bad Metrics

Several months ago, I bought a new bed frame and a mattress online. While choosing which website I should buy from, I read lots of comments from different online stores and chose the one with the better Trustpilot overviews. After waiting ten days, they called me in the morning to make the delive...

Meditation on Bad Days

Today, I’ve been working on a project—one that I’ll soon post—but it requires so much more work. It has been a very draining and frustrating day, and this affected my mood greatly. I wasn’t the happy and motivated self I usually am. This was the first day I experienc...

When Boobs Go Bad

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is here again. Each year in the United States, an estimated 288,000 women learn they have breast cancer. While many survive, almost 45,000 die annually from the disease. Upsetting, right? If you’re healthy, and we hope you are, you probab...

What to do on a Bad Body Image Day

Dress comfortably. Don’t punish yourself with your clothes. Wear clothes that don’t remind you that you’re feeling yucky about your body. For example, if you’re feeling self-conscious about your stomach, don’t wear pants that have a tight waist. Wear different pant...