A Surprising Example Of Why Home Ownership Is A Bad Idea In 2023 America

<p><em>Surprising&nbsp;</em>might have been the wrong adjective. Because the data we&rsquo;ll discuss in today&rsquo;s article didn&rsquo;t surprise me. It&nbsp;<em>shocked</em>&nbsp;me. I just didn&rsquo;t want to be too sensational. But, really, you can&rsquo;t overstate the gravity of a situation spinning out of control.</p> <p>Granted, I had to step out of my own shoes for a second and take on the mindset I assume a majority of renters have. That if they&rsquo;re going to buy a house, they want and expect more space. More square feet than they have in the apartments they&rsquo;re dying to escape. And I&rsquo;m sure a ton of renters still want to become homeowners in America.</p> <p><a href="https://themakingofamillionaire.com/a-surprising-example-of-why-home-ownership-is-a-bad-idea-in-2023-america-9e247ca66470"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bad Idea