How to Have the Best Bad Meetings

<p>People keep complimenting me on my meetings, and<strong>&nbsp;I don&rsquo;t like it.&nbsp;</strong>It&rsquo;s not even just my meetings! I get compliments for meetings that people on my team run. &ldquo;Wow, people actually get stuff done in your meetings.&rdquo; &ldquo;I love that people don&rsquo;t interrupt me.&rdquo; &ldquo;That could have been a really hard discussion, but for your team it went really smoothly.&rdquo;</p> <p>I appreciate the compliments, but Past Matt is horrified that &ldquo;runs good meetings&rdquo; is what I&rsquo;ve done with my career. The pleasantly ironic side of this story is that the compliments only come from people who have attended my team&rsquo;s meetings. The people who&rsquo;ve never been to them think that they are bad and that I might be insane. &ldquo;That will never work&hellip;&rdquo; is usually uttered when I&rsquo;m describing my meeting process.</p> <p>Their reactions are understandable. After all, I go against many of their cherished best practices:</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bad Meetings