<p>First, some background. In a normal year, we have a dry season that starts around mid-April and goes to around mid-October. Then, for a few weeks we get occasional light rain before the proper rainy season starts in the middle of November. This year, our last significant rain fell on the 17th of February so we&rsquo;ve had a dry season lasting nine months &mdash; so far. In recent weeks we have experienced unusually high temperatures and uncomfortably high humidity. Yesterday morning at 5.30 when we got up, I checked the thermometer in our lounge/office and it was 34 degrees. These are very difficult conditions but we can survive it &mdash; water comes out of the tap (well, sometimes anyway), food comes from the supermarket on our occasional trips to town and we can put on a fan and take a cold drink out of the fridge when it&rsquo;s too hot. It&rsquo;s a different story though for most of the animals. The scavengers and predators are fairly happy but herbivores are really suffering &mdash; and that, along with the tremendous heat, was the source of the unpleasantness of my two bad days.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bad Days