Are Ashes Bad For Your Garden?

<p>Many people, including me, find comfort in spending time in nature, especially in a garden, on the banks of a picturesque body of water, or under the shade of a tree on a hilltop. It is no wonder that so many people seek to make their connection point with nature more permanent by choosing to bury or scatter their ashes in these places. The logic is there. What a special place for a family to recall in a mental image or visit to feel a connection.</p> <p>Since this is such a heartfelt and popular option, I have to wonder: are people getting what they want when they choose this path, and does it deliver the desired results? Are the ashes that are being placed under a newly planted tree or bush beneficial to the plant? These are essential points to consider when thinking about the long-term connections to places in nature that now have added meaning for your loved ones.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Ashes Bad