What to do on a Bad Body Image Day

<p><strong>Dress comfortably.&nbsp;</strong>Don&rsquo;t punish yourself with your clothes. Wear clothes that don&rsquo;t remind you that you&rsquo;re feeling yucky about your body. For example, if you&rsquo;re feeling self-conscious about your stomach, don&rsquo;t wear pants that have a tight waist. Wear different pants; wear a skirt. Wear clothes that help you forget about how you feel about your body and make it easier to focus on life.</p> <p><strong>Don&rsquo;t remind yourself about your bad body image day.</strong>&nbsp;I&rsquo;m not suggesting you replace your negative self-talk with excessively body-loving statements. You don&rsquo;t need to go from &ldquo;I hate my body&rdquo; to &ldquo;I love my body.&rdquo; Instead, as soon as you begin to say something negative about your body, interrupt yourself, and say, &ldquo;I know.&rdquo; So it goes like this&hellip;. MIND: &ldquo;I hate&hellip;.&rdquo; YOU: &ldquo;I know, no need to remind me.&rdquo; Look, there&rsquo;s pretty much no chance you&rsquo;re going to forget that you are not lovin&rsquo; your body, so there&rsquo;s no need to remind yourself that you don&rsquo;t love it. Just stopping the repetitive, negative reminders can help.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/science-soul/what-to-do-on-a-bad-body-image-day-ce3e9eaca4b0"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bad Body-Image