Tag: war

The EU’s war on behavioral advertising

Every few decades, major shifts happen that change how an industry fundamentally operates, and who the new winners and losers are. We are in the midst of one such shift in the digital advertising industry. This has been driven by three critical changes in the ecosystem, all privacy-related: Ap...

Wartime CEO: Running a War Room (1 of 2)

In The Hard Thing About Hard Things, Ben Horowitz paints a vivid picture of a wartime CEO up against an ‘imminent existential threat’. In the 12 years building tech companies, I did more than my fair share of layoffs. I’ve shut down companies, fired co-founders and had inve...

Everything You Learned About World War Two Is Wrong

“At times of crisis,” Winston S. Churchill said, “myths have historical importance.” The former British Prime Minister was correct in saying that myths inspired soldiers to be courageous during World War Two — despite the overwhelming odds of deat...

Everything You’ve Learned About The Civil War Is Wrong

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie,” said President John F. Kennedy (D-Massachusetts). “But the myth… something that is persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” We often think it’s easy to spot conspiracy theories and lies from m...

War on Many Fronts

Ukraine’s counteroffensive is often evaluated on the number of square kilometers that have been retaken, and this is one way to measure it. It’s the wrong way, but it is very popular and easy to understand. According to the Insitute for the Study of War, before 24 February 2022, Russia o...

The war tore our families apart

My boyfriend Serhii had a call with his family. It was his grandmother’s birthday. She was born right after Holodomor, survived the Second World War and now — at the age of 76 — she has to live through another war, another Russian terror. Fairness is a subjective human category. In...

Do you still think about the war?

If before I was afraid of sirens, now I wait for them. I wait for the siren to scream again and drown out all the other sounds of Kyiv. Too often, Kyiv sounds too normal. Cars sound like normal cars. People sound like normal people. Birds sound like normal birds. Everyone and everything sounds too n...

Why The War In Ukraine Is More Likely To Last For Years

There is a danger of the trajectory of wars in our modern age. Funding insurgencies, advanced weaponry, takes a lot of commitment. They require so much commitment on a social and economic level that combatants often have to look for outside support. War are often have immediate impact, tangible cons...

The War of the Walls

If Bushwick had a body and you sliced that body wide open, you would find paint coursing through its veins. Bushwick is engulfed in paint. It covers Bushwick bricks, Bushwick plaster, and Bushwick concrete. The paint is chaotic, brash, unapologetic. It seeps into the cracks of walls and looks u...

The Console War — Sega vs. Nintendo: Strategic Lessons from the Video Game Industry

Introduction The story of the ‘Console War’ between Sega and Nintendo, documented extensively in Blake J. Harris’ book “Console Wars: Sega, Nintendo, and the Battle that Defined a Generation”, presents an exhilarating tale of competition, strategy, and innovatio...

There Might Be a New God of War Game in the Works

In some of my past stories, I’ve chatted about some cool gaming stuff, and you can find those links down below. But today, I wanna spill the beans on a juicy rumor that’s been making the rounds: word on the street is that the next God of War game is cooking up in the oven! Hey, guess ...

Sony has already won this Console War, so… now what?

It’s not often that the winner of a match can be declared before its first half is even over, yet here we are: just three years into the latest clash between PlayStation and Xbox — both not having yet reached what would normally be the midpoint of their 7- or 8-year run — Sony seem...

God of War Ragnarok: Things to do after finishing the game

This is an amazing game and it turns out there are a lot of things to do after finishing the main story to keep yourself busy. I will list out all the things I know here and also provide a link to the locations/guide. Spoiler Warning Ahead !!! 1. Muspelheim Crucible I mentioned this fir...

Is God of War Worth Playing in 2022?

God of War Ragnarök released last month, so I thought it would be a great time to finally play the original God of War from 2018 to see how it stacks up in 2022. I also have a full review for God of War Ragnarök coming soon, so stay tuned for that! For now I’ll focus on the original ...

What Inspired: God of War Trilogy

Since its inception nearly 17 years ago on the PlayStation 2, the God of War (abbreviated as GOW) continues to be one of my favorite video game franchises of all time, easily in my top 20. Nobody can refute the fact that this franchise didn’t just impress as a new IP back then, ...

Themistocles: The Hero of the Persian War

The true hero of the Persian War was Themistocles, the forward-thinking Athenian politician and military leader who convinced Athenians to build a massive naval force following the Battle of Marathon (490 B.C.), a decision that saved the Greek people. Assembly at Athens — https://e...

THE Peloponnesian War

The Peloponnesian war, which took place between 431 and 404 BCE in ancient Greece, was a conflict between Sparta (ancient Greece) and Athens. The conflict was the result of longstanding tensions that existed between Athens and Sparta, which included differences in economic systems and political ideo...

The Roman Civil War: A Power Struggle That Shaped An Empire

The Roman Civil War, encompassing a series of conflicts between 49 and 30 BC, was a pivotal period in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. This was not a singular conflict, but rather a collection of power struggles that collectively brought about the rise of Augustus and ...

The Roman Civil War: A Power Struggle That Shaped An Empire

The Roman Civil War, encompassing a series of conflicts between 49 and 30 BC, was a pivotal period in the transformation of the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. This was not a singular conflict, but rather a collection of power struggles that collectively brought about the rise of Augustus and ...

The Second Punic War and the Second World War- More in Common Than Only the Name?

The Punic Wars are among the most famous conflicts in military history. They gave a playing field to sodden and spearless Romans, Celtic mercenaries, gold-decked Numidians, war elephants, orators shouting “Carthago delenda est” at the end of every speech, and swimming chickens detailing ...

Anti-War Protest in Tokyo

The other day I stepped out of the East Gate of Shinjuku Station to be — quietly, peacefully — confronted by a small group of Japanese and others protesting the war in Gaza. In the 20+ years I have lived in Tokyo, I have only witnessed a few protests — mostly pacifist reactions ...

The War on Predators

In2015 I was hiking in the Siskiyou mountains of southern Oregon in early January. It was a gloriously sunny day, the light reflecting off the two feet of pristine snow that my dog and I were tromping through. We were the first to brave this trail since the snowfall, and our footprints were the only...

Peace without War

Collective Peace without Individual Peace 10. If both Deterrence Theory and the Fourth Noble Truth hold, then the peace of a collection of individuals is incompatible with the peace of its individuals. 11. The Fourth Noble Truth must hold. Human nature is such that participation in an armed fo...

Hindus have lost the propaganda war; Jews are beginning to.

In their 2023 list of “particular concerns” are dictators, authoritarian and theocracies that challenge the international rules based world order created after world war II. Even democratic countries that are potential competitiors are not immune to the scrutiny. E.g, India is bundled in...

Jihad: The World at War

I’m going to get to my point in a roundabout way, so forgive me. The thing is that a small miracle has happened in my life, and I am quite astounded. Like many people in old age (and not so old age), I’ve been battling with sleep. However, over a period of time, during the past few mo...

The war of the Jews

Today devout Jews observe Tisha B’Av, the annual fast day that marks both the destruction of Solomon’s Temple by Babylonians and of the Second Temple by the Romans (among some other calamities). In a broader sense, it is a time to reflect on how divisions among Jews begat disastrous vuln...

On Loving a Jew, Being an Atheist, and Fearing in a Time of Hatred and War

Of course I knew my husband was Jewish when I met him. Perhaps he didn’t actually come right out and say, “Hey, hi. I’m Jewish,” but he joked. He’s funny and charismatic, part Dangerfield, part Seinfeld, without the money or fame. He’s born and raised in New York...

War Shadows in the Desert

In the crucible of war conflicts, the once-impervious fortress of defense crumbled like a sandcastle against the relentless tide. Deterrence, that fragile guardian, faltered, and its armor of intimidation was breached. Even the bulwarks of steel and concrete, so painstakingly raised, fell to the res...

The UK’s War Against Disabled People Part 4: ‘Dead People Don’t Claim’

Inthe first three parts of this series I’ve focused on the policy actions of successive governments, and the concerted (and successful) efforts of the private insurance industry to influence those policies, culminating in decades of systematic neoliberalisation and commodification of the UK&rs...

Negotiating the Civil War

When it comes to idiocy, Donald J. Trump is truly a trailblazer, a real conscientious objector in the war on ignorance. In a recent discussion regarding the Civil War, an issue brought to the front burner after Nikki Haley put her ignorance on full public display, Donald Trump offered that the Civil...

Gang War In The Capital D.C. 37th Street” & “Simple City”

The bloody gang war between the 37th Street and Simple City neighborhoods in Washington D.C. has claimed dozens of young lives over the past decade. The adjacent neighborhoods, located just miles from the White House, were once thriving working-class communities built in the early 20th century. B...

The War… A View from Beirut

Here in Beirut we watch the news all day. Mygod, mygod is all I can say. Ironic, for someone who does not believe. There’s no god. There’s no humanity. Already I am running out of adjectives, out of expletives. It is too soon to lose my words. We talk about nothing else. ...

Writing on- War Cry.

I’m not sure which is worse — the crushing weight of the truth or the clenched fists of hate. I have stopped looking for solace. I have to claim the shadows and the light as my own. The hate, that ugly monster, became fuel for change, not defeat. The truth is a bitter pill, but swallo...

Nostradamus’ Predictions For 2024: A New Pope And War In China

Nostradamus, a 16th-century French astrologer known as “the prophet of doom”, had made some ominous predictions for 2024. According to his 1555 text “Les Propheties” (“The Prophecies”), this year will bring continued global conflict, including war on the seas, roy...

Unpacking the Definition of War Crimes

First of all, Intentional targeting & unlawful killing of unarmed civilians. The bombing of civilian areas in conflicts such as the Syrian Civil War, where airstrikes have frequently hit residential neighborhoods is considered as a war crime. The civilian population is non-combatant f...

A Response to Kevin DeYoung’s Culture War Strategy

When we get downstairs, I discover that my six and eight year olds have already helped themselves to breakfast, with one of them spilling the milk on the floor. Now I’m wrestling two hungry little ones through diaper changes, in which they keep lifting their butts and trying to spin while I wi...

How Republicans Lost The War

Donald Trump’s hostile takeover of the Republican Party is complete. It is no longer a functioning political party, but merely the political wing of a fanatical cult with the single purpose of doing the Dear Leader’s bidding. There is no option for fielding an alternative candidate becau...

How to Win the Woke War

The last few years have been an emotional roller coaster that is hard to put into words. The shared global fear of a health crisis that reduced each one of us to our most basic elements. The mix of horror and validation of violent racial injustice that displayed our most base instincts. And the wave...

“A Man but Not a Brother” — Black Civil War Heroes and the Persistence of White Supremacy

Among the undeniable outcomes of the Civil War are the following: The Confederacy was defeated militarily and surrendered to the United States in the spring of 1865. Secession failed. In 1866, the 13th Amendment abolished legal slavery and involuntary servitude (except as a punishment for crime). In...

Trump is inciting the far-right to fight a violent civil war. Here is why he is doing it and how WE stop it.

Note May 2022: If you are reading this now — this essay was written in May 2020 but still applies now. The threat is even greater. I will leave this essay as is but do note, there are some references to Tweets (particular from Trump) that no longer show as those Twitter accounts no longer exis...

Where do angels live? In hell. My escape from the war in Sudan

I wrote this piece when I started trauma therapy back in the UK following my extraction, in April, from the war in Sudan. Not many people have read my story. It’s been more or less 7 months since I escaped the war. Now I feel ready to share my story widely. As an archaeologist researching Suda...

Did Homer’s Trojan War really happen?

The Greek Troy is often referred to as Ilion. Since the 8th century BCE, it was a modest-sized Greek city located on the north coast of Asia Minor, south of the Hellespont. According to Strabo, a geographer contemporary to Augustus in the 1st century BCE, Homer’s Troy was a few kilometers away...

From Cold War Shadows to Lunar Outposts: The Untold Story of Project Horizon

Have you ever wondered about the hidden battles fought not on Earth, but with an eye on dominating the moon? Amidst the Cold War’s tension and space race, the U.S. Army’s top-secret document, Project Horizon, aimed to establish a military and scientific moon base. Picture this: a lunar o...

The Cold War Space Graveyard & The Silent Threat From The Stars

On March 23, 2001, at 8:59 a.m. Moscow time, a group of Russian cosmonauts on Southern Fiji’s island gazed up at the sky and waited. And then, there they were: for a few fleeting seconds, a sequence of golden lights streaked across the sky, leaving behind a trail of smoke. ...

From Cold War Rivalry to Space Unity: The Evolution of International Space Collaboration

Isn’t it fascinating how once bitter rivals can become the closest of allies? Think about the USA and Russia, from competing in the heated space race to shaking hands in the vacuum of space. This handshake, folks, was more than just a friendly gesture; it was a symbol of a new era. Fast forwar...

The Geometry of War: Indian Chakravyuha and Roman Testudo

From time immemorial, the transcendent forms encoded in sacred art and geometry have guided humanity’s understanding of our place in the cosmos. The elegant permanence of the circle reflects the harmonic ordering of chaos into a unified equilibrium, symbolizing spiritual concepts of unity, inf...

The “War on Recovery” shines light on a shameful opioid policy response

On March 5, 2024, Lev Facher of STATNews reports on the desolate state of the US response to over 1 million drug overdose deaths in an extensively reported piece “How the U.S. is sabotaging its best tools to prevent deaths in the opioid epidemic” I recommend readin...

More People Die from Drug Overdoses Each Year Than Were Killed In the Entire Vietnam War

This week I heard a stat that shocked me, even though it should not have. The stat was actually wrong, because things are far worse than what I heard on the radio. In 2021, 290 people per day died died from a drug overdose. The person on the radio said “This is more than died every day in t...

The War of the Bucket

In the grand tapestry of history, there are tales so bizarre that even fiction writers might blush. Today, we unravel the curious case of “The War of the Bucket,” where a stolen tub managed to stir up more chaos than a bull in a china shop. “Once upon a time, in the picturesque ...

Why Didn’t the Romans Use War Elephants?

In a battle against the same Pyrrhus the following year, the Romans deployed specially prepared units with hooks and torches against the elephants. However, this tactic proved ineffective; at Asculum, the Greeks, with the help of their war elephants, once again routed the Roman troops. The Romans ca...

Chronicles of a Relentless War on Peace

I lie face down in the mud of this macabre battlefield where family and friends turn to fight each other, where love turns to hate, where people lose their minds, where people have an instant dislike of strangers for superficial reasoning — the way they look, sound, or perhaps due to having he...

Ending the War With My Body

It’s been two years since my last doctor’s appointment. At that visit our discussion was shrouded by social distancing and early motherhood. It was a time when I desperately begged for closeness and the world replied with a stern and final, “No.” My days were held together wi...