There Might Be a New God of War Game in the Works

<p>In some of my past stories, I&rsquo;ve chatted about some cool gaming stuff, and you can find those links down below. But today, I wanna spill the beans on a juicy rumor that&rsquo;s been making the rounds: word on the street is that the next God of War game is cooking up in the oven!</p> <p>Hey, guess what? Word on the street, or rather, the internet, is that the folks over at Sony&rsquo;s Santa Monica Studio are cooking up something new in the God of War universe. And who&rsquo;s the messenger for this exciting tidbit? None other than a notorious leaker, of course!</p> <p>Now, before we all get our hopes up sky-high about a new God of War game on the way, let&rsquo;s remember that rumors are like that box of chocolates Forrest Gump talks about &mdash; you never quite know what you&rsquo;re gonna get.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: God war