A Response to Kevin DeYoung’s Culture War Strategy

<p>When we get downstairs, I discover that my six and eight year olds have already helped themselves to breakfast, with one of them spilling the milk on the floor. Now I&rsquo;m wrestling two hungry little ones through diaper changes, in which they keep lifting their butts and trying to spin while I wipe. I forget about the spilled milk, and start making breakfast for the younger two. While I&rsquo;m making their breakfast, the two year old runs through the spilled milk, slips, and falls. Now I&rsquo;m cleaning and comforting her, while making breakfast. Then once I get her settled in, she doesn&rsquo;t want what I made. Eventually I get the spilled milk cleaned up, when my ten year old calls down that he&rsquo;s out of toilet paper. So I throw him up a roll of toilet paper, and start making my wife&rsquo;s coffee, breakfast, and lunch before she heads out to work.</p> <p><a href="https://rickpidcock.medium.com/a-response-to-kevin-deyoungs-culture-war-strategy-b468d4f048e1"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: war Strategy