More People Die from Drug Overdoses Each Year Than Were Killed In the Entire Vietnam War

<p>This week I heard a stat that shocked me, even though it should not have. The stat was actually wrong, because things are far worse than what I heard on the radio.</p> <p>In 2021, 290 people per day died died from a drug overdose. The person on the radio said &ldquo;This is more than died every day in the Vietnam War. &ldquo;</p> <p>Actually, on the bloodiest day of the Vietnam War, 31 January 1968, only 249 U.S. soldiers were killed. The reality is that 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam during the entire war. So if we begin with the escalation under President Johnson and use 1965 as a start and end in 1975 when Saigon fell, that would mean an average of 5,800 died per year in Vietnam.&nbsp;<strong>More than 106,000</strong>&nbsp;died from drug-involved overdoses in 2021, and even more than that died in 2022.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Vietnam war