The war of the Jews

<p>Today devout Jews observe Tisha B&rsquo;Av, the annual fast day that marks both the destruction of Solomon&rsquo;s Temple by Babylonians and of the Second Temple by the Romans (among some other calamities). In a broader sense, it is a time to reflect on how divisions among Jews begat disastrous vulnerability. Rarely has a cautionary tale been more opportune, for anger between religious and secular Jews in Israel &mdash; and by extension in the US &mdash; approaches such a boiling point that there is talk of civil war.</p> <p>The immediate catalyst is an Israeli government that cobbled together a parliament majority based on ultra-religious parties which it is using to push through a series of authoritarian reforms that are anathema to the secular Israelis who account for almost the country&rsquo;s entire economy, world-beating innovation and military prowess.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Jews war