The War… A View from Beirut

<p>Here in Beirut we watch the news all day.&nbsp;<em>Mygod, mygod</em>&nbsp;is all I can say. Ironic, for someone who does not believe. There&rsquo;s no god. There&rsquo;s no humanity.</p> <p>Already I am running out of adjectives, out of expletives. It is too soon to lose my words.</p> <p>We talk about nothing else. Who can work &mdash; or even think &mdash; in these times? I cannot. I gave decades to an international system &mdash; one that has done nothing but let us down, exposing its total impotence. Do not speak of human rights when not everyone is seen as human.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Beirut war