Tag: Science

A Data Science Project with ChatGPT Code Interpreter

As someone who is currently juggling a full-time data science job with multiple freelance projects, I am usually the first to try tools that can potentially decrease my turnaround time. When ChatGPT started rolling out the Code Interpreter plugin to subscribers in the past week, I couldn’t ...

ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter Was Just Released. Here’s How It Will Change Data Science Forever.

The best ChatGPT plugin was just released — code interpreter. This plugin allows us to upload data, write/execute Python code, do data analysis, generate reports, and even download the code and reports generated in .ipynb and pdf format respectively. The best part? All this is done in secon...

13 SQL Statements for 90% of Your Data Science Tasks

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language designed for managing and manipulating relational databases. It is widely used by data analysts and data scientists to extract insights from large datasets. SQL is a powerful tool that can be used to perform a wide variety of data manipula...

Data Science Stakeholder Management

I previously wrote about two Data Scientist pain points: the thrash, when you’re not sure what to work on next, and the slightly toxic coworker. But my slack messages and 1:1 meetings are full of complaints that are not covered by either of these scenarios. My coworkers and I comp...

60 ChatGPT Prompts for Data Science (Tried, Tested, and Rated)

I rated 60 ChatGPT functions for Data Science. Use these prompts and ask ChatGPT to write, and explain code, optimize data science code. It can also explain data science concepts, suggest ideas, and troubleshoot problems. How to Read this The table of content contains all 60 prompts. Clic...

Free MIT Introduction to Computational Science and Engineering Course

Computational Science is a field of study that uses advanced computing capabilities to solve complex problems. It is an interdisciplinary subject. For students who have a passion for both natural science and computer science, this field is perfect for you. MIT has a fre...

3 Ethical Dilemmas in Data Science You’ve Likely Overlooked

“As I trudged through the massive data swamp, an ethereal voice whispered to me, ‘With great data, comes great responsibility.’” Yes, my friends, it was no other than the Ghost of the Internet Future (yes, she’s a thing), forewarning about the immense ethical complex...

The Power of Self-Paced Learning: What I realized being an average Computer Science student in current world.

University environments often come with a whirlwind of deadlines, assignments, and the pressure to keep up with the pace of the curriculum. While universities offer valuable insights and structured learning, they might not always align with everyone’s rhythm. This is where the beauty of self-p...

How I Would Learn Data Science with ChatGPT If I Could Start Over

Learning how to learn is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate. When I first started teaching myself programming and data science in 2018, I enrolled into countless online courses. Every time I completed a course and got a certificate, I’d get a momentary feeling of accomplishment...

What I realized being an average Computer Science student in current world

University environments often come with a whirlwind of deadlines, assignments, and the pressure to keep up with the pace of the curriculum. While universities offer valuable insights and structured learning, they might not always align with everyone’s rhythm. This is where the beauty of self-p...

A Very Dangerous Data Science Article

A few years ago an article was published in Harvard Business Review online called Prioritize Which Data Skills Your Company Needs with This 2×2 Matrix. Now, HBR is well known for its articles on business strategy, but it is not really a market leader in technical content, and this ar...

Rocket Science? Meet Quant Trading.

To those outside of finance, what quantitative traders and hedge funds do may seem like rocket science. However, although what really goes on behind the scenes may not be too complex, sometimes, it really is rocket science. So, today, we’ll be taking a dive into how Wall Street qu...

How I Would Learn Data Science with ChatGPT (If I Could Start Over)

Learning how to learn is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate. When I first started teaching myself programming and data science in 2018, I enrolled into countless online courses. Every time I completed a course and got a certificate, I’d get a momentary feeling of accomplishment...

250+ Python and Data Science Tips — Covering Pandas, NumPy, ML Basics, Sklearn, Jupyter, and More.

Being a data scientist demands expertise in plenty of areas. You need to be good at using appropriate tools, like Pandas, NumPy, Sklearn, etc. These are indispensable to the development life cycle of many data-driven projects, making them essential skills to begin/maintain a career in data scienc...

Inspecting Data Science Predictions: Individual + Negative Case Analysis

Somewhere around 40 to 43% of the time when I am showing new learners how to use the .predict() methods I get the following question: Where are the predictions? I wish this was a question learners would ask more often. It is an insightful question, especially for folks who are newer ...

A Very Dangerous Data Science Article

A few years ago an article was published in Harvard Business Review online called Prioritize Which Data Skills Your Company Needs with This 2×2 Matrix. Now, HBR is well known for its articles on business strategy, but it is not really a market leader in technical content, and this ar...

DATA SCIENCE : A 30 day learning experience

From starting teaching to students when I was is 10th grade , coming to college and making friends over teaching and sharing my insights on the subject , my love for sharing my experience grew ten fold and it made my process of learning a new skill, a new subject , more fun and made it possible for ...

Great Applied (Data) Science Work

Advanced data science work in industry is sometimes also known as “applied science,” reflecting the reality that it’s about more than just data and that many former academics work in the field. I find that “applied science” has different expectations than research scien...

3 Intelligent Ways to Use ChatGPT to Speed Up Your Next Data Science Project

The growing popularity of ChatGPT over the past year has led to much speculation regarding what such a tool entails for the workforce. Many believe it indicates automation of many jobs performed by humans, especially programming ones. I prefer a different perspective. While ChatGPT is powerful, i...

How I Would Learn Data Science with ChatGPT (If I Could Start Over)

Learning how to learn is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate. When I first started teaching myself programming and data science in 2018, I enrolled into countless online courses. Every time I completed a course and got a certificate, I’d get a momentary feeling of accomplishment...

A Very Dangerous Data Science Article

A few years ago an article was published in Harvard Business Review online called Prioritize Which Data Skills Your Company Needs with This 2×2 Matrix. Now, HBR is well known for its articles on business strategy, but it is not really a market leader in technical content, and this ar...

Mastering the Art of Pricing Optimization — A Data Science Solution

1. Overview Pricing plays a very crucial role in the world of business. Making a balance between sales and margins is very important for the success of any business. How can we do it in the data science way? In this section, we will build the intuition of an effective data science solution for pr...

The Path to Success in Data Science Is About Your Ability to Learn. But What to Learn?

Many great developments in data science have been made in the last decade but despite these achievements, many projects never see the light of day. As data scientists we must not only show strong technical skills but also understand the business context, effectively communicate with stakeholders, an...

IIT Madras Data Science Degree: Is It Right for You? Let’s Explore through my experience!

Are you a high school student aspiring for IIT? Are you a college student disappointed not to have cracked IIT? Are you a graduate student striving for GATE and other IITs? Are you a working professional looking to earn a degree while working? Or perhaps, are you a foreigner keen on studying Data Sc...

How I Would Learn Data Science with ChatGPT (If I Could Start Over)

Learning how to learn is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate. When I first started teaching myself programming and data science in 2018, I enrolled into countless online courses. Every time I completed a course and got a certificate, I’d get a momentary feeling of accomplishment...

7 Data Science Specialization Streams Most In-Demand Today

If you are one of my connections on LinkedIn or follow my blog, or have clicked this article based on the title, the chances are that you are pursuing a career in Data Science. You could be a Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, or a fresh grad slash aspiring data ...

Inspecting Data Science Predictions: Individual + Negative Case Analysis

Somewhere around 40 to 43% of the time when I am showing new learners how to use the .predict() methods I get the following question: Where are the predictions? I wish this was a question learners would ask more often. It is an insightful question, especially for folks who are newer ...

A Simple Way to Improve Data Science Interviews

In this post I share a story about a mistake I made as an inexperienced Data Science hiring manager, and how it changed the way I conduct technical interviews. I also walk through an example Data Science interview prompt and show how stronger candidates approach the problem differently than weaker c...

Data Science Trends & Salaries in 2023

Data science is one of the coolest fields in recent years. Many people from different backgrounds have transitioned into this field. But, is this trend still ongoing? Today, we’ll handle the data science salaries 2023 dataset and explore trends in data science with data visualization techni...

Latest advancements on Boson sampling part4(Quantum Information Science)

Solving Graph Problems Using Gaussian Boson Sampling(arXiv) Author : Yu-Hao Deng, Si-Qiu Gong, Yi-Chao Gu, Zhi-Jiong Zhang, Hua-Liang Liu, Hao Su, Hao-Yang Tang, Jia-Min Xu, Meng-Hao Jia, Ming-Cheng Chen, Han-Sen Zhong, Hui Wang,&nb...

Master Data Science with This Comprehensive Cheat Sheet

Data science is a rapidly growing field that combines statistics, mathematics, and computer science to extract insights and knowledge from data. As a data scientist, you need to be proficient in a variety of tools, techniques, and concepts to effectively analyze and visualize data. To help streamlin...

How Quantum coin flipping works part4(Quantum Information Science)

Abstract : So far, most of existed single-shot quantum coin flipping(QCF) protocols failed in a noisy quantum channel. Here, we present a nested-structured framework that makes it possible to achieve partially noise-tolerant QCF, due to that there is a trade-off between the security and the justice ...

Rocket Science? Meet Quant Trading.

To those outside of finance, what quantitative traders and hedge funds do may seem like rocket science. However, although what really goes on behind the scenes may not be too complex, sometimes, it really is rocket science. So, today, we’ll be taking a dive into how Wall Street qu...

How I Would Learn Data Science with ChatGPT (If I Could Start Over)

Learning how to learn is one of the most useful skills you can cultivate. When I first started teaching myself programming and data science in 2018, I enrolled into countless online courses. Every time I completed a course and got a certificate, I’d get a momentary feeling of accomplishment...

A Simple Way to Improve Data Science Interviews

In this post I share a story about a mistake I made as an inexperienced Data Science hiring manager, and how it changed the way I conduct technical interviews. I also walk through an example Data Science interview prompt and show how stronger candidates approach the problem differently than weaker c...

Data Science Trends & Salaries in 2023

Data science is one of the coolest fields in recent years. Many people from different backgrounds have transitioned into this field. But, is this trend still ongoing? Today, we’ll handle the data science salaries 2023 dataset and explore trends in data science with data visualization techni...

How to Build a Data Science Portfolio Website With ChatGPT

As an entry-level data scientist, it can be challenging to break into the industry because the competition is at an all-time high. This is especially true if you don’t have a degree or any formal qualification highlighting your prowess in the subject. One piece of advice I’d always...

Can Data Science Find Bigfoot?

Watching Bigfoot researchers chasing — sometimes quite literally — circumstantial evidence, noises, and half-glimpsed shadows through the forest at night certainly makes for some great TV. I love killing time with a bit of TV, and a show called “Expedition Bigfoot” has kep...

The Role of Product Data Science

Data science organizations help companies leverage data to build better products, improve customer experiences and grow the business. Yet, data scientists can get pulled into many directions. Amongst the endless opportunities that come by their desks and questions that arise, where should they spend...

How I ended up building a quantitative trading algorithm without a data science degree

For the past 20 month or so, I’ve been building a quantitative trading algorithm in Python by myself. It’s been quite a journey, and here are the main steps and learnings. Introduction I started coding in Python in June 2020 by having to do some web scraping while in an internship ...

Predicting Age & Gender using Data Science

In the field of computer vision, deep learning has found a lot of use. The domains that deal with facial data are some of the most important applications of computer vision. Face recognition and detection are common in security-related applications. Age and gender prediction are used extensively ...

Follow This Data Validation Process to Improve Your Data Science Accuracy

This article is intended for data scientists who are either beginning or want to improve their current data validation process, serving as a general outline with some examples. First, I want to define data validation here as it can have different meanings for other, similar job roles. For the purpos...

What I Learned in my First Year as a Director of Data Science

Six months ago I noticed that there were not many posts out there about how to manage a data science team (versus data science projects, a topic that has considerably more content). In an attempt to address that gap, I wrote my original post: “What I Learned in my First Six...

Even Doctors Don’t Always“Follow the Science” When it Comes to Their Own Care

My post-operative experience revealed that I sometimes ignored scientific data in favor of fear and anecdotes. Photo by Aman Chaturvedi on Unsplash As I lay in my hospital bed, the bleeding would not stop. Pints of bright red blood poured out of my rectum as I trotted to the...

In 1911, a genius revealed a forgotten science of how to be 50x more productive without working more hours

Heavy weight: I personally lead a year-long, small-group training. The 6th cohort starts in September 2023. To learn more, fill out this application. Light weight: With my Blockbuster Blueprint newsletter, you receive a daily 5-minute video lesson from a famous thought leader along with...

Boost Your Productivity: Science-Backed Hacks

Introduction: In today’s fast-paced world that often demands more from us in less time, productivity has become a prized skill. Discover how science-backed strategies can help you become more efficient and accomplish more in less time. Key Hacks: 1. The Pomodoro Technique: Learn ho...

A New Science Based Way of Study That You Don’t Know

For everyone, studying is just as crucial as food. It nourishes your mind, much like food nourishes your body. In every walk of life, the importance of learning becomes evident. People who understand the value of studying will never abandon this valuable habit. If you are a studious person see...

The Art and Science of Getting Things Done and Increasing Productivity

Hey! Know what procrastination is? Procrastination is the act of delaying doing something until a later time due to a lack of motivation, laziness, etc. As an illustration, someone put off submitting their work and missed the deadline. One of the main enemies that prevents productivity ...

What I Learned in My First Year as a Director of Data Science

Six months ago I noticed that there were not many posts out there about how to manage a data science team (versus data science projects, a topic that has considerably more content). In an attempt to address that gap, I wrote my original post: “What I Learned in my First Six...

Art, Science, and Darwin’s Great Tree of Life

Tocommemorate the bicentennial of Charles Darwin’s birth, London’s Natural History Museum (NHM) commissioned its first permanent installation of contemporary art. In 2009, Tania Kovats was selected from the shortlist of 10 contenders. The artist had long been fascinated with the links be...

The Importance of AI and Science in Indie Game Development

Okay, I’m building a video game as an indie solo dev funding the project so getting some income from AI models I have trained and apps I created, courses, books, classes, etc. But first let’s define what I’m, building: Epic dystopian fantasy in distant space-time. Action, Surv...

Starfield, a Science Fiction Video Game, is Strangely Anti-Science

Starfield boasts over 1000 planets, which is a lot by any measure. Most of them are barren, bleak expanses punctuated by a couple of close-ish map markers that are just far enough away to be annoying. You can jump from one end of the galaxy to another in a blink of the eye, but traver...

Docker: The Unsung Hero in Modern Data Science Workflows

In the vast landscape of data science tools, Docker stands out not as the shiniest or the newest, but perhaps as the most transformative. It’s the bridge between development and deployment, theory and practice. But what makes Docker so important, especially in the context of real-world softwar...

Exploring Date and Time in Java: The Epoch Chronicles[Computer Science] Part-2

In case you’re wondering, there is a 1st part to this article series where we have explored various “Epochs” above. However, feel free to dive right into this 2nd part, as it focuses on “The history of Java Date Manipulation”. While the 1st part provides valuable insigh...

8 Things Most Data Science Programs Don’t Teach (But You Should Know) — Part 1

Maybe you’ve heard about or experienced the 80/20 rule of data science before: Only 20% of data scientists’ time is spent on analysis. The majority of time — 80% — is spent simply preparing data. I think in my case it might actually be 90/10. That is just the realit...

Things to do when in Amsterdam — Nemo Science Museum

The famous capital city of the Netherlands — Amsterdam is known all around the world for many things that are exciting for all age groups. Starting from its 17th-century Golden Age to its artistic approach to town planning. Beautiful old towns with canals and great museums attract tourists fro...

UAE Golden Visa Process For Software Engineer/ Computer Science Bachelors

Disclaimer: This guide is NOT an official guide on how to apply for UAE Golden Visa. This article is just my personal experience. Also, things might have changed since I applied. Cabinet Resolution No. 56 of 2018 Regarding the Organization of Residence Permits for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Pro...

Science Explains Why You Love Hiking But Your Friend Doesn’t

Is the allure of nature ingrained in our DNA or shaped by our childhood experiences? If you’re like me, you’re drawn to the natural world. There’s something soothing and soul stirring about being surrounded by trees, hearing birds chirp, smelling fresh air. Genetic Roots of Natu...

Hinduism — Where Science Is Religion (Part-2)

Author and researcher Siddhartha Chhabra has published his findings in a book called The Big Bang and the Sages. One of the most significant data points is the Puranic age of the universe. For the past several thousand years or more, the Puranas have contained elaborate descriptions of the...

The Ancient Science Of AUM Mantra

The concept of Kundalini awakening, rooted in the ancient wisdom of India, finds echoes and resonances in various spiritual traditions across the world, reflecting a universal quest for inner transformation and enlightenment. In the traditional Indian perspective, Kundalini is envisioned as a dor...

Science or Religion.

The Holy Quran mentions in detail how the Earth, the Sun and all other heavenly bodies are moving in their specific orbits. That was over 14 centuries ago. Now science comes out and states that the Earth is stationary and everything else revolves around it. Then the science advan...

Women of science who are forgotten:

One area that I find very interesting, even though it is sad that it exists, is the way women were swept under the carpet and received no recognition for their research and findings, even though later men claimed fame for their discoveries. We talked about this briefly in the post Women in Scie...

Religion and Science: A Complex Intersection and the Case of Gender Theory

The relationship between religion and science has been historically complex, marked by moments of both convergence and divergence. A particularly poignant example of this tension is seen in the discussion around gender theory. While science increasingly supports a more fluid and spectrum-based un...

Top 15 Unsolved Mysteries That Baffle Modern Science

The pursuit of knowledge is an essential aspect of human nature, driving us to explore the world around us and seek answers to the most profound questions about our existence. Throughout history, we have made tremendous strides in our understanding of the universe, the intricacies of life, and the m...

How Many US States Do You Think Teach “Creation Science?”

There are at least 13 states that teach creationism to our kids in public schools using tax dollars. This is very offensive to me. It’s bad enough that they get this ridiculous indoctrination into the supernatural sky daddy who watches over them even when they’re sleeping in the churc...


The study is basically a qualitative research method relying mainly on secondary sources of data from internet sources, official documents and country websites as the method of data collection. We made use of qualitative descriptive analysis as our method of data analysis, that is, documentary studi...

AfricanAncestry.com Exposed As Pseudo-science

How was Dr. Rick Kittles and Dr. Gina Paige fraudulently re-classify Aboriginal Natives aka Negro Burial Grounds, sacred grounds protected by treaties and by the federal government into the African Burial Grounds, when we’ve never been to Africa. No wonder why there’s another DNA company...

A to Z: Kaleidoscope of Black Culture and Experiences: Educator, Consultant, Author, and Science Educator, Howard G. Adams.

On March 28, 1940, a destructive tornado swept through Pittsylvania County, Virginia, causing widespread destruction to homes, businesses, and farms. Tragically, the storm resulted in the loss of multiple lives and injuries, marking it as one of the deadliest tornadoes in Virginia’s history. I...

Why a 2,500-Year-Old Mummy Turned Into a Battleground Between Nationalism And Science

OnSeptember 27, 2003, a 7.3 magnitude earthquake struck Russia’s Altai area. 300 houses were damaged, and three people lost their lives. Many people in this region, where shamans still hold sway, were ready to attribute their misfortune to upsetting their ancestors. We can trace the source ...

Doing Science for Its Own Sake

The same rationale applies to the practice of science. Some practitioners pursue science as a tool for promoting their self-esteem and status, in the same way that athletes sprint the 100-meters dash in order to demonstrate that they are better than other athletes or to set the world record. Through...

Can Cultured Meat Ever Be More Than a Science Experiment?

Ata test kitchen for a startup called Wildtype in the trendy San Francisco neighborhood known as Dogpatch, the saku, or “block” of salmon is visually a stunner. The most striking feature is the white striations between layers of orange flesh that serve as connective tissue. I say &l...

Science Fiction Becomes Reality

The Extraordinary Technologies of the Future Explore the Unknown As we take a step into an era that pushes the boundaries of imagination, advancements in technology continue to profoundly transform our lives. The extraordinary technologies of the future are opening new horizons for humanity. H...

The Responsibility of Great Science: Lessons from Oppenheimer

If you work in science that impacts humans, please go and see Oppenheimer. If you are not familiar with the story (I wasn’t), it’s based on a book called American Prometheus, and is about J. Robert Oppenheimer’s journey building the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiro...

Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering: A New Frontier in Science and Ethics

Another significant development in biotechnology is the emergence of personalized medicine. This approach tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient, particularly their genetic makeup. Advances in genome sequencing and analysis have allowed for more accurate predicti...

What’s the difference between bioinformatics and biotechnology?

Sometimes people are confused about what is bioinformatics and biotechnology (Biotech). Not only newcomers but also experienced medical science students are also confused. They never understand why we need bioinformatics and biotechnology, especially bioinformatics. They are also confused abou...

The Chemistry Behind Soap: Unveiling the Science of Saponification

Fundamentals of Saponification: At its core, saponification is the chemical reaction that transforms fats or oils into soap and glycerin. This reaction occurs when triglycerides (fats and oils) combine with an alkaline substance, typically sodium hydroxide (for solid soap) or potassium hydroxide ...

Machine Learning in Materials Science

As the fields of artificial intelligence and machine learning are exploding, their universal nature is becoming more apparent. Machine learning is being leveraged in a huge variety of sub-fields, and Materials Science and Polymer Science are no exceptions. This article will serve as the fi...

“Discovering the Smiles in ‘Lessons in Chemistry: A Novel’

Observation 1: Mix of Science and Society Think of the main character, Elizabeth Zott, as the superhero of science. She’s super smart and does cool science stuff at a time when people didn’t expect girls to be scientists. The story mixes her science adventures with how people thought ...

How to Effectively Study for IB Science Subjects

To be honest, physics is one of my favorite subjects in school, and I don’t really have to try hard to understand the concepts or solve practice problems. However, there is a massive difference between “real-life” physics and the physics in the IB program. First of all, you...

Variables: You Can’t Deny Chemistry

In science, variables are the key components in your basic lab experiment. You have your independent variables, the factors that cause change. Let’s say, a new type of fertilizer. You have your dependent variable, the factor you choose to observe. Say, a flower given this fertilizer. You also ...

Why research in sports science is so important

A team member of mine recently published a paper on the effect of genetics on aerobic trainability. This led me to want to share why research in sports science doesn’t just affect athletes — it affects everyone. Craig Pickering, Olympic athlete and head of sports science at D...

A Well Of Science On Our Planet

First and foremost, an active volcano is required. Permanent lava lakes are only found in volcanic regions where eruptions are a regular or periodic feature. Inside the volcano, there is a magma chamber containing molten lava, which is a mixture of molten rocks,...

Book Review: Earth’s Shifting Crust: A Key To Some Basic Problems Of Earth Science; by Charles H. Hapgood

History of Earth’s Crust Movements: The history of the study of Earth’s crust movements is a fascinating journey of scientific discovery and paradigm shifts. The book explores the significant milestones in our understanding of this phenomenon, beginning with the continental dr...

Harnessing the Power of the Mind for Healing: The Science Behind Mind-Body Connection

As I journey through life, I’ve come to understand the profound impact that my mind can have on my overall well-being. The connection between the mind and the body is a powerful force that shapes our health and vitality in ways that science is only beginning to fully comprehend. In this articl...

Complications: An Investigation into the Imperfect Science of Surgery

One book stands out in medicine's fascinating and complex world due to its profound insight into surgery. "Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science” by Atul Gawande. This book offers a gripping narrative, highlighting the highs and lows of a surgeon&rsq...

Exploring the Evolution of Science and Medicine

This study delves into humanity’s search for knowledge throughout history, shedding light on how our insatiable curiosity has driven us to discover the secrets of the cosmos and how they relate to our existence. From the epiphanies of early thinkers to the tedious experiments of modern researc...

Exploring The Evolution Of Science And Medicine Through Centuries

Ancient Beginnings In ancient times, people didn’t have the advanced tools and knowledge we have today. They relied on observations and trial and error to understand the world around them. Early humans used plants and herbs for medicine, and its knowledge was passed down through generations...

The Science of Shame

Systemic racism isn’t anything new, but many white people are newly grappling with their complicity in white supremacy — which can lead to some complicated emotions. While a healthy dose of guilt over the collective role in anti-Black racism can motivate people to listen, learn, and do b...

The Science of Attraction: Unraveling What Draws Us Together

The Role of Pheromones At the heart of attraction lies our biological wiring. Pheromones, chemical signals released by the body, play a subtle yet significant role in signaling fertility and genetic compatibility. These odorless cues, detected by the vomeronasal organ in our noses, influence sexu...

Three Easy Ways To Change Your Life Using Brain Science

Most of the time, we think of change as a big, tough, or frightening leap. However, according to neuroscience, making small, positive shifts and repeating them daily causes a cumulative effect that can completely transform a person’s life. Those little bits of good changes we make along the wa...

The neglected science of Huntington’s disease in women

Huntington’s disease (HD) is like a life-or-death coin toss — every child of an affected parent has a 50% chance of inheriting the genetic mutation that leads to the neurodegenerative disease and progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. In the U.S., approximately 30,000 peop...

The Secret Science of Neuromarketing

Have you ever gone shopping for just a few items before leaving the store with a full cart and a triple-digit receipt? You’re not alone. Up to 50% of grocery purchases are actually unplanned. But what motivates such spontaneous supermarket spending? What if I told you that an inv...

Doing Science for Its Own Sake

In the Jewish Sanhedrin, Rabbi Yehuda recognized that some believers perform their religious duties — mitzvahs, and pursue scholarship of the Torah’s teaching as ways for gaining external benefits. And so, he noted: “through repeatedly doing something not for its own...

Euclid’s first science images reveal what JWST cannot

among other aspects. While telescopes like Hubble and JWST have captured our imaginations with their deep, high-resolution views all across the Universe, they also face a tremendous limitation: they have narrow, small-angle fields of view, and can only see a tiny fraction of the sky at once. But ...

The Surprising Science of The TARDIS: Oh My! It REALLY Is Bigger on the Inside!

It's Selena the scientist today. Banging on about one of my fave fields — geometry and General Relativity. There aren't many ways to make these subjects appealing to those who haven't had the pleasure or the time to study them — and that's understandable, as our lives bec...

14 Probability problems for acing Data Science interviews

Questions on probability are very common in any Data Science interview. The questions might be challenging (and tricky) but are easily tractable if you have some practice and know basic formulas and concepts. In this blog, I share some practice questions (with solutions) on different concepts in pro...

Probability — a fundamental science for data science and ML[1]

Introduction, notations and definitions Probability serves as a cornerstone in the toolkit of scientists, engineers, and data scientists alike, providing a robust framework to grapple with uncertainty. In the era of data science and machine learning (ML), the significance of probability takes cen...

Statistics 101: A Comprehensive Guide for Data Science Enthusiasts

Statistics is the backbone of data science, providing the tools and to extract meaningful insights data. From hypothesis testing and regression analysis to probability distributions and confidence intervals, statistics is a crucial part of the data science toolkit. In this comprehensive guide, we...

Sneaky Science: Data Dredging Exposed

Sadly, such instances are not rare. Scientific research has seen its share of fraud. The practice of p-hacking — e.g. manipulating data, halting experiments once a significant p-value is achieved, or only reporting significant findings — has long been a concern. In this article, we will ...

Cristina Savin’s Artificial & Biological Computation Lab and the Quest to Bridge Neural Science and AI

Unveiling the Brain’s Secrets and the Path to Next-Generation AI In the quest to unravel the complexities of the human brain, a tool older and more sophisticated than any technology at our disposal, Cristina Savin’s Artificial & Biological Computation lab at NYU stands a...

How does science work? It’s all about clones!

Let’s arm wrestle! To prepare, you drink a dram of Strength Potion (TM) while I drink filtered water. Then you defeat me without breaking a sweat. You won because of the potion, right? Nope, we’d offend science itself if we jumped to that conclusion. After all, we’re different p...

What is Prevention Science? (And How Can I Get A Job In This Exciting New Field?)

The concept of prevention has been increasing in mainstream media over the last ten years. Gone are the days when tough-on-crime and incarceration-heavy policies on criminal activity ruled the day; we’re now considering what brings young people to commit criminal acts in the first pl...

The Psychedelic Science of Good Friday

OnFriday, April 20, 1962, Howard Thurman delivered a Good Friday sermon at Boston University’s Marsh Chapel. “He came to me with his eyes and asked for water,” Thurman began in a retelling of the Samaritan woman at the well, “stretched out his hand and spoke. His mi...

The Art & Science of Ethnographic Marketing Research

Ethnography is not new to marketing research. Today, most companies who invest in marketing research have had some experience with ‘ethnography’ and many have fully incorporated the approach into their ongoing research programs. In this, the era of big data, it is as important as ev...

I visited a mental health exhibition at Art Science Museum. This is my reflection…

I recently visited the Art Science Museum’s Mental: Colours of Wellbeing exhibition. I came out of it feeling really heard and understood — it’s quite weird. To be frank, my mental health has not been the best in the past few years. It’s something I struggle with and actively...

Why You Should Love (Social) Science

We like to think we understand the world. Thanks to scientists with their lab equipment, computer programs, radio telescopes, and particle accelerators, we think the natural world’s pretty well been figured out. Only some truly esoteric topics remain, like black holes and why people vote for R...

In real life, not science fiction!

 Zendaya opted for a two-piece from Attico’s S/S 2024 collection, unbuttoning her jacket to her sternum and pairing it with Christian Louboutin pumps, looking as confident as if she’d just fought a battle with alien sandworms and emerged victorious. RB/Bauer-Griffin, Getty Im...


Beauty is a concept that has intrigued humans for centuries, shaping societies, influencing cultures, and defining standards of attractiveness across different eras. The fascination with beauty goes beyond skin deep, delving into the realms of psychology, biology, and even evolution. From ancient...

The Science Of Stink: Why Men Smell Worse Than Women

Apocrine Glands: Both men and women have two primary types of sweat glands: eccrine and apocrine. Eccrine glands are distributed throughout the body and produce a watery sweat. Apocrine glands, on the other hand, are mainly found in the armpits and groin area and produce a thicker sweat. This s...

The Science of Syntax, Chapter 9 (Review)

Introduction: This chapter focuses on non-local dependencies, which occur when syntactic parts interact across a distance. We will discuss Binding Theory, which sheds light on the distribution of referring phrases. This topic revolves around the concept of c-command, which is important to syntax....