What is Prevention Science? (And How Can I Get A Job In This Exciting New Field?)

<p>The concept of&nbsp;<em>prevention&nbsp;</em>has been increasing in mainstream media over the last ten years. Gone are the days when tough-on-crime and incarceration-heavy policies on criminal activity ruled the day; we&rsquo;re now considering what brings young people to commit criminal acts in the first place, and seeking out ways to improve their civic engagement and academic achievements without locking them up. Rather than drilling our students to &ldquo;do better&rdquo; in school, we&rsquo;re improving school lunch access; instead of demanding pregnant people be better parents, we&rsquo;re giving them access to birth control and abortion methods. Even though many of these legislative successes are in dispute, the general trend in scientific and government consensus is clear &mdash; we need to stop crime, teen pregnancy, addiction, and other societal ills before they can start.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@jspanowork/what-is-prevention-science-and-how-can-i-get-a-job-in-this-exciting-new-field-26e78e5af616"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>