A Very Dangerous Data Science Article

<p>A few years ago an article was published in Harvard Business Review online called&nbsp;<a href="https://hbr.org/2018/10/prioritize-which-data-skills-your-company-needs-with-this-2x2-matrix" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank"><em>Prioritize Which Data Skills Your Company Needs with This 2&times;2 Matrix</em></a><em>.&nbsp;</em>Now, HBR is well known for its articles on business strategy, but it is not really a market leader in technical content, and this article certainly illustrates this.</p> <p>This article is shockingly bad, and is also very dangerous because it encourages people to think about data science in a way that is both impractical and downright wrong. I&rsquo;ll elaborate on this in a moment, but the obvious danger is that someone who doesn&rsquo;y know better will use this article to inform their own organization&rsquo;s data strategy. This could cause a lot of pain and angst for many data professionals, and leave others feeling like their skills and experience have been pejoratively dismissed.</p> <p><a href="https://keith-mcnulty.medium.com/a-very-dangerous-data-science-article-415e576f0c44"><strong>Visit Now</strong></a></p>
Tags: Data Science