3 Ethical Dilemmas in Data Science You’ve Likely Overlooked

<p>&ldquo;As I trudged through the massive data swamp, an ethereal voice whispered to me, &lsquo;With great data, comes great responsibility.&rsquo;&rdquo;</p> <p>Yes, my friends, it was no other than the Ghost of the Internet Future (yes, she&rsquo;s a thing), forewarning about the immense ethical complexities that the accelerating world of data science is grappling with today. Much like Spiderman, with data at our fingertips, we are endowed with great power and, as a result, great responsibility.</p> <p>Data science, a discipline that barely existed two decades ago, is now the secret sauce behind many successful organizations. It has revolutionized industries, driven remarkable technological advances, and even helped solve some of the world&rsquo;s most pressing problems. But with these massive strides, there&rsquo;s a side we seldom talk about: ethical dilemmas. These aren&rsquo;t your run-of-the-mill &lsquo;should I have that third slice of pizza?&rsquo; type of dilemmas. These are deep, complex issues that have broad implications for society, privacy, and fairness.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@mark_45452/3-ethical-dilemmas-in-data-science-youve-likely-overlooked-20bca831300e"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Data Science