Can Data Science Find Bigfoot?

<p>Watching Bigfoot researchers chasing &mdash; sometimes quite literally &mdash; circumstantial evidence, noises, and half-glimpsed shadows through the forest at night certainly makes for some great TV.</p> <p>I love killing time with a bit of TV, and a show called &ldquo;Expedition Bigfoot&rdquo; has kept me entertained on many a lunch break. However, this show isn&rsquo;t the run-of the-mill cryptid documentary as it claims to use a &ldquo;data algorithm&rdquo; to first identify a target search zone before sending in human researchers to track down the hairy subject.</p> <p>Obviously my ears pick up when I hear something like this, and short of packing an overnight bag, I start to wonder what I can do to help the search. So here we go, &ldquo;helping&rdquo;!</p> <p>While this is going to be quite a lighthearted article, I&rsquo;m going to take a look at some data, covering:</p> <ol> <li>Exploratory data analysis (EDA) with Pandas Profiling</li> <li>Exploratory data analysis the old-fashioned way</li> <li>Clustering with OPTICS</li> </ol> <h1>The data</h1> <p>The data comes from Timothy Renner&sup1;, who in turn sourced the observations from the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization&sup2;.</p> <p><a href="">Visit Now</a></p>