Tag: Political

The Political Theater of Trump’s 2024 Trial

A Crucial Juncture in American Democracy What’s good America? In a move that could very well shape the course of American politics, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan has set the trial date for former President Donald Trump’s election interference case for March 4, 2024. This date is n...

The Political Meme Absolutely Everyone Loves Because It Backs Up Whatever You Want To Believe

You’ve seen many versions of the meme: It shows a stereotypically ’50s-looking family and claims one breadwinner (Dad, of course) could comfortably support the whole family, providing a nice house, a decent car, a vacation every year and college for the kids. It’s not strictly t...

Alien Exhibition or Political Distraction?

Unraveling the Mystery Amidst Institutional Agendas In the heart of Mexico City, journalist and self-proclaimed ufologist Jaime Maussan stepped into the spotlight, unveiling what he claimed were the preserved remains of beings not of this world. With theatrical flair, Maussan declared these mummi...

When is a Teapot a Political Statement?

A few months ago I was in the bazaar in Gjilan, Kosovo. I saw a beautiful red teapot set for sale. It was red enamel with a beautiful peacock on the front. It was the teapot I had always dreamed of having when I moved to Kosovo. I had seen pictures of such tea pots being used in the past. The bri...

Political Tremors of 2023: The GOP, Trump, and the Fate of American Democracy

1. GOP’s Ascendancy: The Republicans have taken over the House, marking the beginning of a two-year political epoch characterized by potential governing showdowns and shutdowns. With the GOP speaker and the Democratic president at loggerheads, the power dynamics of Pennsylvania Avenue are...

The Fall Of The Political Party

The above graphic does not show the full danger of the discontent: almost half of younger voters now describe themselves as independents. This is the political environment of the future: increasing trends towards independence, combined with a leaning by the next generation tow...

The Political Meme Absolutely Everyone Loves Because It Backs Up Whatever You Want To Believe

You’ve seen many versions of the meme: It shows a stereotypically ’50s-looking family and claims one breadwinner (Dad, of course) could comfortably support the whole family, providing a nice house, a decent car, a vacation every year and college for the kids. It’s not strictly t...

When is a Teapot a Political Statement?

A few months ago I was in the bazaar in Gjilan, Kosovo. I saw a beautiful red teapot set for sale. It was red enamel with a beautiful peacock on the front. It was the teapot I had always dreamed of having when I moved to Kosovo. I had seen pictures of such tea pots being used in the past. The bri...

Where Words Come From: Sanskrit Political Names Edition!

The surname Ramaswamy is a compound of the proper name “Rama” and the title “swami”. Both of these words come from Sanskrit, an Indo-European language related (though distantly) to English. Rama (Sanskrit राम) is a a Hindu deity and the central character...

The Four Political Blocks of Today’s World

This block is largely the successor of the Communist Block of the 20th century. However, although some of these countries still consider themselves communist, they only pay lip service to the principles of Marxism. In practice, most of them practice a savage form of neoliberalism at the service of w...

The Political Climate of Jesus’ Time

The Bible, or the Old and New Testaments, are a collection of historical accounts and records, laws, biographies, poetry and prose, prophecies, and cultural wisdom of several societies and individuals within the mediterranean region of Northern Africa and Southern Europe, and the Fertile Crescent of...

Abortion Rights and the Military: Navigating Political Divides

The political landscape reverberates with the echoes of contention when it comes to abortion rights, particularly as they intersect with the lives of our nation’s veterans and the wider military community. Inconsistencies between state and federal stances on reproductive rights have intensifie...

Political victory is not the same thing as being correct

It has become an all too common occurrence. Congress or the Supreme Court comes down with a ruling we agree with, and we begin to treat that decision as proof that we were correct in our opinions. But it’s not. History has shown us repeatedly that agreement is not a requirement of correc...

Americans Severed Their Connection with Space. And Now We’re Paying the Consequences.

Skyrocketing drug use, hate crimes, political violence, and school shootings—I don’t know what else I’ve left out, but what do all of these have in common? Ultimately, they all have some relationship with meaning-making. For example, it might be hard to see how shooting up a sch...

I’m So Tired of Political Extremes

As I am writing this, it is election day morning. My partner and I will be going off to vote fairly soon so we can hopefully get in between the pre-work line and the lunch rush. It is not an exaggeration to say that this election will likely swing the country in one direction or the other when it co...

A Guide to the Scandinavian Political System for Americans

As a Norwegian I have on numerous occasions been baffled and confused by the American political system. So many concepts are different from what we are used to in Scandinavia. Political parties hold primaries. Instead of a Parliament there is a Congress with a Senate and a House of Representati...

Political Preferences2024 Taiwan Elections: Pre-election Telephone Surveys — Research Data

Based on Doublethink Lab’s previous research, reports and observation, the strategy of information manipulation in Taiwan has shifted towards conspiracy types of narrative making it more challenging to debunk. These conspiratorial narratives also further establish and reinforce cognitive bias ...

Why The Political Center Might Be Our Last-Best Chance?

Stealers Wheels may not be a group many remember, but their song, Stuck in the Middle, and its famous lyrics, Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right, has not only endured, but may, in some ways, be most relevant to the current state of the US political system! We are inundated ...

Prabowo’s political opportunism: was it worth it?

Prabowo’s participation in the initial debate of the Indonesian presidential election underscored two points: he has undergone massive changes since 2019, and it is evident that he could benefit from some rest. I distinctly remember how I perceived Prabowo five years ago: a formidable leade...

2024 US Election: Arkansas & Wisconsin Political News

My take: I was surprised by how quickly the media took to these comments made from DNC members and Asa Hutchinson. Even though his run for the election was largely irrelevant to the media antics of the DeSantis-Haley-Trump triumvirate for the Republican nomination, the response from the DNC rev...

Immigration Supports Political Moderation

NYT: “How Shrinking Populations Fuel Divisive Politcs.” I couldn’t resist this story, even though it’s in a widely read newspaper. The graphic is fascinating, projecting the change in working-age people by mid-century, demonstrating how some countries — such as the US &...

Increasing Political Polarization In The U.S. Texas Being Center Stage

Increasing political polarization in the U.S. poses a significant threat to the stability of American democracy and society. With the growing divide between political ideologies, the potential for civil unrest or conflict becomes increasingly likely. This is a cause for concern as it can fracture so...

The Narcissism Of Political Parties

Political parties, those supposed champions of the people, have transformed into colossal egos in fancy suits. They’ve become so obsessed with themselves that it’s a wonder they can see past their own reflections in the mirror, let alone focus on the needs of the citizens they’re s...

How Political Powers Molded America’s Rollercoaster Economy in the Last Two Decades

In the ever-evolving landscape of U.S. economics, the dance between political decisions and financial outcomes is a puzzle that impacts every American. The past two decades have been a rollercoaster ride, influenced by global shifts, policy choices, and the leadership styles of both Republican and D...

There are people out there tired of political parties

I am going to say this and it will probably annoy everyone, but here it is. I think that supporting any of the political parties on anything but individual issues is like deciding whether I want a hernia or a broken bone. There is no other way to look at it and the entertainment industry is not help...

Are strong political parties good?

Over time, the American political system has become steadily more democratic — controlled by the people at large, rather than by party bosses negotiating with each other in smoke-filled rooms. This trend can be seen in the evolution of the presidential primary system; it can also be seen ...

‘Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram’: When Politicians Change Political Allegiances

In 1967, Haryana’s MLA Gaya Lal changed his political party three times in the span of fifteen days — first from the Congress to the Janata Party, then back to the Congress, and again to the Janata Party. ‘Aaya Ram, Gaya Ram’[1] thus became a popular phrase in Indian pol...


The study is basically a qualitative research method relying mainly on secondary sources of data from internet sources, official documents and country websites as the method of data collection. We made use of qualitative descriptive analysis as our method of data analysis, that is, documentary studi...

Marxist Political Strategy

It would be desirable if this could happen, and the communists would certainly be the last to oppose it. Communists know only too well that all conspiracies are not only useless, but even harmful. They know all too well that revolutions are not made intentionally and arbitrarily, but that, everywher...

The Political Debate Is Really Life VS Death

Healthcare: Have it and live, or die without it. You either have it when you need it or you die. Let’s stop talking about it like we don’t know what it means. If you deny people health care you are sentencing them to death. So moving forward just say you are Pro Death so we clearly know ...

Political Parties: |”Nurturing Independent Political Voice: The Significance of Individualized Ideals in a Party-Driven Landscape”

In the realm of politics, the question of whether to join an established political party or venture into the uncharted waters of independent candidacy is one that has intrigued thinkers, activists, and citizens alike. Both choices have their merits, and both have been subjected to critique. In this ...

The History of Political Parties

The history of political parties is a complex and multifaceted subject that spans centuries and varies across different countries and regions. Early Origins: Political parties have their roots in ancient civilizations such as Greece and Rome, where political factions emerged to advocate for diffe...

What would it take our political leaders to implement D & I

Diversity and inclusion (D&I) are complex issues that involve acknowledging and valuing differences in race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, and other personal characteristics. An initiative restricted to the corporate sector deserves attention from political parties. While some po...

“An Argument Against Political Parties”

There is nothing in the Constitution about political parties. There is a clause about “no religious test” in Article VI, Clause 3 which states that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” This should...

On the Nature of the Historical Political Spectrum in the United States

It is not surprising that given today’s truth-free, all fake all the time narrative expositions, there is a complete lack of clarity in the United States as to what people on the left of the political spectrum believe. Or on the right. Or on the non-existent center. Everything centers on the n...

Four political movements on the rise!

After the turbulent years around the time of Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and Emmanuel Macron’s movement shaking up French politics, nowadays it seems like there are less political innovations — for better or worse — in the West. Of course, politics is never at a stands...

Including voters as part of the solution in our political narratives

​​The concepts of political narratives and storytelling are familiar to any party official, campaign manager or candidate. In every campaign that political parties start, the priority is to identify which messages or slogans can better resonate with the voters. Yet, these narratives and messages...

We Need A New Political Party

We need a new political party in America. I’m not talking about fringe groups like Greens or Libertarians. We need a party that mainstream voters can join and find meaningful. A party that can win and govern effectively. What would this party look like? First of all, it’s impossible t...

Political Competition is Essential

Politicians care most about projecting intentions, e.g. “I will end homelessness in five years”, and creating the facade of doing something. Inevitable failure causes the elected officials to place the blame on “factors not in their control”, such as “changing circumsta...

America’s Most Formidable Political Problem Isn’t Polarization. It’s Complexity

This is the last in a series of articles examining then role of binary thinking in polarizing American politics. It is that time once again when Americans must make critical choices about their future from a limited set of options. For more than 170 years they have been all but forced to select t...

The Doom of Political Parties

I’m one of those people who can see truth, good and bad in both sides of a coin. I am told that that should create cognitive dissonance. There are two third rail issues arcing and sparking at the moment. Abortion and the 2nd Amendment. Much to the disappointment of friends and family, I am ...

Deadline to Change Political Affiliation April 13

This week, the Morris County Board of Elections reminded residents of the approaching deadline to change their political affiliation to participate in their new party’s Primary Election on June 7. The deadline to change your political party affiliation before the primary election is April 1...

Ice Cream as a Metaphor for the American Political System

Neither of the old white guys is exciting to the current pandemic-weary, exhausted electorate. Neither one could manage to get 30% of potential voters to express any enthusiasm about him. And I am not even a little bit surprised. Not in the least. I’m personally disgusted at the thought of ...


Conversations about political parties have returned to Belarus as the politicization of society has been increasing. People had been talking about parties before the August 2020 elections. Launches of new political parties, though, peaked at the end of autumn 2020 and spring 2021. The following i...

The rise of political faith based science

I just drove by a sign in my hometown, it says, “I believe in science”. As someone who has three technical degrees, so do I. But I don’t believe in political faith based science. Faith based science has nothing to do with a higher being, nothing to do with a bible, its a faith b...

Our Own Responsibility for the Future

For most of my life, I have been a political passerby. I registered as a Republican in my 20’s without much conviction. The biggest consequence of this decision was the kind of direct mail I received. Over the years, I have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. Character — the who wo...

Political Prisoner Leonard Peltier is Innocent

On April 18, 1977 Leonard Peltier was convicted for alleged involvement in the killing two FBI officers, Jack R. Coler and Ronald A. Williams, at Pine Ridge, South Dakota. These men died in 1975 during a shoot-out between the FBI and Native American activists. Previous to this time, Leonard Pelti...

Strategies to Challenge Political Gaslighting

Recent discussions have reminded me that not everyone sees or understands the Constitution and democratic government similarly and that opposing forces believe this is the case. Who are these opposing forces? Let’s see, the entry to ultra-right-leaning GOP members and the associated black c...

Reflecting on the personal is political part 2

When we talk about women of color sometimes we forget that East Asian and chinese women are also women of color. This is nothing against non-Asian people of color, but I’ve always felt like our experiences as East Asian and Chinese people are forgotten about. That’s why this reading made...

Political Acephobia is a Weird Movement with Links to Fascism and Transphobia

I was going to save this article until October for Ace Week but a few posts I’ve seen on Twitter recently have hurried that forward. So here we are, seven months early. When I came out as demisexual last year, ace friends warned me about acephobia from both inside and outside the queer comm...

Political Acephobia is a Weird Movement with Links to Fascism and Transphobia

I was going to save this article until October for Ace Week but a few posts I’ve seen on Twitter recently have hurried that forward. So here we are, seven months early. When I came out as demisexual last year, ace friends warned me about acephobia from both inside and outside the queer comm...

The Threat of Political Violence is All Too Real

Fear is a powerful emotion. It’s one of our greatest motivators as a species; the fear of death, the fear of loss, the fear of losing control. People respond to fear in any number of different ways, whether by becoming defiant or by shutting down into silence. We might tremble, we might scr...

A Review of “Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media”

When it comes to understanding the political economy of mass media, there is arguably no work more seminal than “Manufacturing Consent” by Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky. Published in 1988, this comprehensive critique of the mass media’s role in shaping public opinion has proved...

Political Parties and Their Behaviour: Vote-Seeking, Policy-Seeking, and Office-Seeking

Policy-seeking is all about influencing government policies, driven by a desire to have a significant impact on public policies, whether by being in the government or by effectively advocating for their policies as a strong opposition force. Winning elections is important for them, but it serves as ...

Title: Navigating Political Developments and Elections: A Closer Look

Political developments and elections are integral components of any democratic society, shaping the course of governance and policy direction. From shifts in leadership to evolving public sentiments, these dynamics reflect the aspirations and concerns of the populace. Examining these developments pr...

Should arts be political?

Is art’s for art or society? This question is not only a classic debate directed at students in schools, but also a subject that has been extensively discussed and researched by artists, sociologists, and social scientists worldwide. An artist who constantly interacts with the society they liv...

Should We Be Learning Chinese for Political Reasons?

I’ve always had an obsession with learning a second language, however for reasons unknown I have never fully committed to ‘nailing’ one. I grew up in a 90% English speaking household with first generation Greek and Italian parents. Both of those European languages were spoken more ...