Should arts be political?

<p>Is art&rsquo;s for art or society? This question is not only a classic debate directed at students in schools, but also a subject that has been extensively discussed and researched by artists, sociologists, and social scientists worldwide. An artist who constantly interacts with the society they live in and feeds their imagination with the dynamics of their society is unlikely to produce products independent of society. For society to survive together, it needs to manage the balances and power regularly. This management is called politics. Art has a connection with society, society with politics so it can be said that there is a connection between art and politics. However, what kind of connection is this, and how should it be? While some people argue that art should prioritize only aesthetic concerns and think of politics only as management, I firmly believe that it should be political because of two main reasons, which are that the explanation of the concept of art is itself political, and the traits that make an artist an artist trigger political awareness.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: Arts Political