Political Acephobia is a Weird Movement with Links to Fascism and Transphobia

<p>I was going to save this article until October for Ace Week but a few posts I&rsquo;ve seen on Twitter recently have hurried that forward. So here we are, seven months early.</p> <p>When I came out as demisexual last year, ace friends warned me about acephobia from both inside and outside the queer community. I&rsquo;d already witnessed it directed at friends and as generalised bigoted comments in op-eds being passed off as journalism.</p> <p>Nothing prepared me for the politicisation of acephobia from the outside that would accompany my first six months as an out demisexual.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/the-ace-space/political-acephobia-is-a-weird-movement-with-links-to-fascism-and-transphobia-a8b370789368"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>