When is a Teapot a Political Statement?

<p>A few months ago I was in the bazaar in Gjilan, Kosovo. I saw a beautiful red teapot set for sale. It was red enamel with a beautiful peacock on the front. It was the teapot I had always dreamed of having when I moved to Kosovo.</p> <p>I had seen pictures of such tea pots being used in the past. The bright red enamel shone beautifully on the top of an old wood-burning cookstove. I wanted that nostalgia. A bit of the past in this complicated modern world.</p> <p><img alt="A red enamel double (Turkish style) teapot with a stylized peacock on the front sitting on a modern glass top electric stove." src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*ACaJKLT-HCTKlyk2uihvpg.jpeg" style="height:700px; width:700px" /></p> <p>Showing the full pot. I wish I had taken a picture when it was shiny and new. I tried to clean it up, but the enamel kept chipping (it is worse in the back) and I couldn&rsquo;t get the shine back. Photo by&nbsp;<a href="https://h-f-sylaj.medium.com/" rel="noopener">H F Sylaj,</a>&nbsp;2023.</p> <p>I know I can&#39;t go back in time, as much as I wish I could. It is ironic since I make my living off of modern technology. But I would give it all up in an instant if I could go back. Well, I daydream I would. Doing so, in reality, is always a different matter.</p> <p>I hate my dependence on modern things such as electricity, the internet, and cars. (I am writing this while waiting for my car to be fixed... again.) In my view, these things have been to the detriment of society. However, I acknowledge the vast improvements they have made to human existence as well.</p> <p><a href="https://aninjusticemag.com/when-is-a-teapot-a-political-statement-4eea97fa2a4b"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>