Tag: Mindfulness

Cultivating Mindfulness: The Art of Being Present in a Busy World

Welcome back. I’m Manik, and I’m thrilled to continue our exploration of personal growth and self-reflection. Today, let’s cultivate mindfulness — the art of being present in a busy world. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and...

Elevating Leadership Beyond Mindfulness: Why Leaders who Embrace Presence are Winning

I asked, “What is the meaning of what you do?” “I strive to make a tremendous impact on our world to shed radiant light into even the darkest corners.” His passion for his profession was undeniable: Yet, in that moment of expressing his self-realization, he disc...

What Does it Mean to Reach The End of Thought?

Getting up in the morning feeling nervous or upset about everything waiting for you in the day ahead can feel overwhelming. I’ve been meditating for over twenty-five years and have always looked for simple ways to think about the practice. So many people tell me they can’t figure out ...

Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction: A Way to Find Inner Peace Amidst Chaos

Stress is a common and unavoidable part of life. We all face challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties that can trigger our stress response. Stress can affect our physical and mental health, causing symptoms such as headaches, insomnia, anxiety, and depression. Stress can also impair our ability t...

Mindfulness Is More Than a Buzzword

My friend and I were on an outing last night. He was driving, and we turned into one of the most brilliant sunsets I’ve ever seen. The sky was fiery orange all around as Ophelia moved inland on the North Carolina coast. In mere moments, it all faded to black. I might have missed the gorg...

Day 2: Establish a morning routine for productivity and mindfulness.

Mornings hold immense potential. Sharing this powerful morning ritual combining mindfulness, physical activity, and a deep connection with nature. 5:00 AM — Wake Up with Intent Photo by Bayarkhuu Battulga on Unsplash Begin your day by waking up early, allowing am...

Meditation and Dance Combine in a New Practice That’s Bringing Mindfulness to Athens

A background in dance, corporate burnout and the discovery of healing via mindfulness led Myrto Legaki to her current, ever-evolving path. The Athens-based founder of Free Movement spent 15 years in management consulting before taking a sharp career turn in favor of her passion: healing th...

Birdwatching as mindfulness: Creative connections within the bird watching community.

The benefits of looking at nature are everywhere, no matter where you live. Outdoor recreational activities such as hiking and being in nature promote feelings of well-being. Recent research by academics at the University of Exeter, the British Trust for Ornithology, and the University of Queensland...

Breathing in the Wilderness: A Guide to Outdoor Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is a powerful tool for improving mental and emotional well-being. It involves paying attention to the present moment and observing thoughts, sensations, and surroundings without judgment. Spending time in nature can be an incredibly beneficial way to practice mindfulness. Not only d...

Mindfulness of Feelings

In Buddhism, feelings (vedana) are not so much about emotions — but more about the feeling tone of pain or pleasure that accompanies a sensation. One can be aware of three different feelings: pleasant, neutral, or painful. Something interesting about neutral feelings: is a neutral feelin...

Mindfulness of The Body

Mindfulness is the first of the seven factors of enlightenment. There’s a lot to cover here, and it will need more than one post I think. The word mindfulness means to keep something in mind — to remember. It is about being aware of one’s experience of reality without the concep...

Corporations Serve Up High-Fructose Mindfulness

Within the subterranean office world of Severance, Ben Stiller’s brilliantly unnerving send-up of corporate culture, the pinnacle of work life is the Waffle Party. The party, which despite the name is for only one employee — the employee of the quarter — features three waffles...

Mindfulness of Death

This is something I try to keep in mind. Not to depress me, but to energize me when I am feeling a lack of motivation to meditate. I reflect on all the possible ways I could die. There are so many. Death comes in many forms, from microscopic to gigantic. From viruses to asteroids. Indeed, I was near...

6 Mindfulness Tips for the New Year

Personally, I’m not making any grand, sweeping resolutions for 2024. No major prognostications, no new year new me. Instead, I’m just trying to lean into what I’m already doing. I want to keep going at most of the same things, but just a little bit better. So, after a break for ...

The Biology of Mindfulness and Mindlessness — A Neuroscientist’s Perspective

I spent most of my life mindlessly obsessing about the past and the future. I was consumed by anxiety and tormented by my mind, but completely unaware of the source of my suffering. To escape my pain, I used drugs, resulting in 15 years of chronic heroin addiction. Heroin brought me to the very e...