Mindfulness Is More Than a Buzzword
<p>My friend and I were on an outing last night. He was driving, and we turned into one of the most brilliant sunsets I’ve ever seen.</p>
<p>The sky was fiery orange all around as Ophelia moved inland on the North Carolina coast. In mere moments, it all faded to black.</p>
<p>I might have missed the gorgeous sky if I’d been scrolling on my phone. Instead, I was able to enjoy the moment and capture this image.</p>
<p>It made me wonder how much we miss each day because we aren’t present in the moment. That’s what mindfulness is about—being present—and it’s getting harder to do with all the constant notifications and distractions.</p>
<p><img alt="Black and white image of buildings taken through a rainy windshield." src="https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:700/1*fIo_vYnySEl86Vv8Tgsbxg.jpeg" style="height:525px; width:700px" /></p>
<p>Photo by author</p>
<p>When we are present, everyday objects become unique and beautiful. I took the above image through a rainy windshield on a whim.</p>
<p>Mindfulness is the birthplace of creativity.</p>
<p>It’s essential to artists, especially photographers and illustrators. An artist has to learn to see differently and translate what they see into their artwork.</p>
<p><a href="https://medium.com/artistic-mystic-soul/mindfulness-is-more-than-a-buzzword-995017f2d489"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>