Tag: God

Christians Keep Telling Me God Wants Me To Suffer

One of the many reasons I’m not a Christian is that everyone seems to have a different interpretation of what the Bible means. They pick and choose which bits to believe and which to quietly discard, like those who preach that “man shall not sleep with man” but happily eat shell...

My Name Means God is Gracious

My name, Joanne, means God is gracious. I never thought about checking into what my name meant until I was in junior high school. In my Sunday school class, our teacher was discussing names and their meanings. She urged all of us students to check out what our names meant. That’s when ...

Thank God Superman is Jewish

Beneath the city’s glitter, where dreams flicker and fade, a legend arose, Superman, offspring of Jewish minds, bearing an emblem and an ancient testament, a beacon of resilience, a swell of compassion, hope transcending every boundary. “Thank God Superman is Jewish,” whispers ...

There Might Be a New God of War Game in the Works

In some of my past stories, I’ve chatted about some cool gaming stuff, and you can find those links down below. But today, I wanna spill the beans on a juicy rumor that’s been making the rounds: word on the street is that the next God of War game is cooking up in the oven! Hey, guess ...

Is God of War Worth Playing in 2022?

God of War Ragnarök released last month, so I thought it would be a great time to finally play the original God of War from 2018 to see how it stacks up in 2022. I also have a full review for God of War Ragnarök coming soon, so stay tuned for that! For now I’ll focus on the original ...

City of God opening scene analysis

The opening scene of City of God (2002) sets the mood for what is to come throughout the rest of the film. The film starts out with the sharpening of a knife with sharp cuts to black after each act of running the blade over the rock, with the sharp, short, piercing noise of the blade be...

The Snake God is a deity that brings a shocking and sudden increase in golden fortune. This temple is dedicated to the snake god. Near Tokyo Tower

The reputation of Snake Mound spread by word of mouth on TV and the Internet. The proprietress, who is from Akita Prefecture and started running a local restaurant in Tokyo, She encountered a snake when she worshipped at the shrine. After that, every time she reconstructed a building, she would...

“i don’t believe in God but I miss him”

This quote is from an atheist author’s book. I don’t know much of anything about him. I don’t even remember how I came to stumble across this quote but I think I like it. I’ve spent most of my life in an Adventist church. Don’t get me wrong, it was lovely. Sort of. M...

Mindfulness of God

The mindfulness movement we know today is born of a union between evidence-based science and Theravada Buddhism. It seeks to change the mind-state of the person practising by strengthening capacity for awareness, while reducing the habit of reaction. Simply put, to be mindful is to be a...

Why God Says Nothing When We Need Him Most

I looked to the heavens and demanded an explanation from God. Why?! Why does my wife have Stage 4 cancer?! Answer me, dammit! And God said nothing. Tears welled up in my eyes as I repeated my plea, “Why, God? Why her?” But the only response was the rustling of leave...

Debunking the Abrahamic God

The Abrahamic God is primarily associated with the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. These religions, despite their differences in doctrines and practices, share a belief in the same God, often referred to as the God of Abraham, due to the significant role of the ...

Who Punishes God for Experimenting with Sentient life?

What’s the point of arguing about whether something transcendent and mysterious like “God” exists beyond space and time? Why should logic or science be expected to resolve that matter? We can think critically about whatever we like, but the question of whether a supernatural dei...

Being a Child of God

Recently, I discovered that the epistle of First John is powerful. Reading it several times, I underlined words that were repeated, connected the thoughts, and correlated them with the gospel of John; thus, mining a few more nuggets of truth each time. Yet, I never got the sense that I’d got t...

Becoming the God-Bearer

Today is the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, as well as the commemoration of Jesus’s circumcision into the people of Israel, becoming heir to God’s promises through the Law of Moses, the Torah. Our reflections this morning need to begin with that critical phrase, “Mother of God,&...

Why Church Membership Is in Free Fall But Faith in God Remains Strong

A man stranded by himself on an island was finally discovered. His rescuers asked him about the three huts that they saw there. He pointed to the first hut and said, “This hut is my home.” Then he pointed to the second hut and said, “And this one is my church.”...

My New Realization On The God Question — I Don’t Care

Is there a god? Do we have a soul? Is there reincarnation? Some view these as among the most important questions we human beings can ask. In my experience, those who propound that view are typically already adherents to one or another belief system, and the questions are the hook for attempts to eva...

Why I Couldn’t Find God

I remember the first time I pondered about God. How was he? Was he tall, short, or intimidating? Would he be mad if I didn’t have good grades? I was about seven years old, and my mother ensured my sister, and I had a strong connection with God, even though I didn’t know who he actually w...

I stopped trusting God in June 1994 (although I still believed in Him )

Conversations about mental retardation, blindness, deafness, cardiac abnormalities, tube feeding were more than I could take. Especially since. she had been born that way despite how hard I had prayed to avert this calamity during my pregnancy as I kept having recurring nightmares about a baby born ...

Which philosophy of God is correct?

There are various schools of Vedanta. Advaita, not-two, Vedanta or nondualism, considers the essence of man and God not as two but one Reality called Brahman. On the other hand, Dvaita, two, Vedanta or dualism considers man and God as two different entities. There are schools in between li...

Krishna: The Playful God of Devotion and Love

Krishna was born in Mathura to the royal couple Vasudeva and Devaki. Devaki’s brother, the cruel king Kansa, was afraid of a prediction that said Devaki’s eight child would kill him. Kansa killed Devaki and Vasudeva’s first seven children and enslaved them in order to stop this. Bu...

When you should not pray to God

Navigating the realm of prayer involves not only understanding when to seek divine guidance but also recognizing moments when abstaining from prayer may be appropriate. The decision of when not to pray to God is a nuanced aspect of spiritual practice that intersects with sincerity, ethical considera...

The God Debate

Alice started the conversation by saying: “I believe that God exists and that he is the creator and sustainer of everything that exists. He loves us and wants us to have a personal relationship with him. He sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and rise from the dead so that we ca...

Let Go Of What Has Passed:

Letting go means submitting to the Will of God — As Believers, we know that God has control over all things. When a leaf Falls From a tree it has done so by the permission and the Will of God. When the branch bends into the wind and thus survives a storm, it does so because God has decree...

Gratitude to God: A Thanksgiving Reflection

Thanksgiving Day is a distinctly American phenomenon. Though it is celebrated in Canada and other various countries, the holiday itself has its origins in America — both through its ‘First Thanksgiving’ mythology and through its official founding as a national day of commemorat...

God vs. Religion’s God

You know, Claude, I have no issue with God, the creator of All, the omniscient and all powerful Being. Well… to put it so absolutely may not be completely honest. I do have issues at the detail level… suffering & all. But when I step back on a higher plane, if you wil...

The Evolution of God, Part II

“We believe in one God the Father…one Lord Jesus Christ…and the Holy Spirit.” Do these words from the fourth century Nicene Creed describe one single God or three separate Gods? Christian theologians reject the suggestion that the Trinity is in any way polytheistic. Much of...

Why Muslims Can’t Laugh at Themselves

InExodus 33, Moses reminds God that if he, Moses, is to lead God’s chosen people, God had better present himself to inspire them. After all, says Moses, “What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?” The Lord obliges, but the ...

Concept of God in Different Religions

In Buddhism, the concept of God is not central to its teachings. Buddhism is primarily a non-theistic religion, meaning it does not emphasize the existence of a supreme being or creator God. Instead, Buddhism focuses on the individual’s path to enlightenment and the understanding of suffering,...

Thank God My Mother Isn’t Here to See This

Mygrandfather was Calvin Luther Muldrow. One of a dozen brothers and sisters, he fought in World War I. Although he died when I was young, I recall his stories about how he survived the Great War. I remember hearing how he spent weeks in a foxhole in the Swiss Alps, sick from the malaria that nearly...

The Big Ring — Did Science Just Accidentally Prove God?

I know, I know! I’m far out there. But Google news did this, not me! And I am big on theories, and ideas that plunder out of my long ago stoner brain. “Newly discovered cosmic megastructure challenges theories of the universe” — The Guardian — For those...

Let go and Let God!

As a person who identifies himself as a doer, the philosophy of putting in relentless effort has been ingrained in my character since my upbringing on a cattle ranch in Colorado. The constant work ethic required on a ranch has become second nature to me, shaping my belief that success in both my pur...

Listening to the Still, Small Voice of God

I woke up this blessed morn with so many things to do. send an email, start a book, finish your work and see it through Pushing aside these worried thoughts, I climbed the set of stairs leading to my private room and The Course of study there Read More

Do You Think God Plays At Dice?

I do not think that quarks are random. I do not think they move in tandem. I do not think God has that vice. I do not think God plays at dice. Mechanics aren’t deterministic. You’re behaving like a mystic. One cannot peek behind the curtain. Two things at once: you can’t b...

Zeus: God of Thunder, Troublemaker, and… Therapy Patient?

The Power Struggle is Real (Even for Gods!) Turns out, being the top dog isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. Zeus isn’t exactly the most chill ruler. He gets paranoid easily and let’s just say, isn’t a big fan of sharing the spotlight. Maybe it’s a&n...

Addiction, God and RFK Jr.

In an interview with Lex Fridman, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. talks very candidly about his relationship with God and how it helped him overcome addiction to drugs and alcohol. In doing this, he is unusually candid for a man running for president. I am used to politicians dodging controversial iss...

Being a Hater in a God Honoring Way

When I was 23, I had a Fitness Phase. And during that phase, I followed a rash of Fitness Influencers, whose bodies I wished to emulate (problematic). One of my favorites was @GraceFitUK, now Grace Beverly, who vlogged her workouts, her vegan meals, and her busy Oxford life. I would bring her to the...

Working with Horus: Egyptian God of the Sky and Kingship

In the vast and mystical pantheon of Egyptian mythology, Horus stands as a figure of immense power and significance. Revered as the God of the Sky, War, and Kingship, Horus has been a symbol of majesty and authority since the earliest periods of ancient Egyptian history. This deity, often depicted a...

“Bread for God” or Halloween? All in all, it’s the candies that matter!

On November 1st, 1755, around 9:00 a.m., the city of Lisbon was hit by an earthquake, followed by a huge tsunami, wildfires and looting, that completely destroyed the city and killed more than 10.000 people. Those who survived had no other choice than to go around the neighboring towns asking for fo...