Do You Think God Plays At Dice?

<p>I do not think that quarks are random.<br /> I do not think they move in tandem.<br /> I do not think God has that vice.<br /> I do not think God plays at dice.</p> <p><em>Mechanics aren&rsquo;t deterministic.<br /> You&rsquo;re behaving like a mystic.<br /> One cannot peek behind the curtain.<br /> Two things at once: you can&rsquo;t be certain.</em>⁴<br /> <em>On this point be not misled:<br /> A cat can be alive and dead.</em>⁵<br /> <em>Of course God must throw down His dice.<br /> The paths of quanta aren&rsquo;t precise.</em></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>
Tags: God Plays