“Bread for God” or Halloween? All in all, it’s the candies that matter!

<p>On November 1st, 1755, around 9:00 a.m., the city of Lisbon was hit by an earthquake, followed by a huge tsunami, wildfires and looting, that completely destroyed the city and killed more than 10.000 people. Those who survived had no other choice than to go around the neighboring towns asking for food and bread, in memory of the deceased, for there was nothing to eat in Lisbon.</p> <p>With time, this tradition came to replace the commemorations of the&nbsp;<em>Day of the Dead</em>&nbsp;(November 2nd), making the 1st of November the perfect day for remembering those loved ones that are no longer among us. Thus, the&nbsp;<em>All Saints Day&nbsp;</em>gradually became our Portuguese&nbsp;<em>Day of the Dead&nbsp;</em>holiday, where the&nbsp;<em>Bread for God&nbsp;</em>(in Portuguese, &ldquo;<em>P&atilde;o-por-Deus&rdquo;</em>) became the preferred tradition to observe.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/made-in-azores/bread-for-god-or-halloween-all-in-all-its-all-about-the-candies-a9fbc97f05ba"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Bread God