Which philosophy of God is correct?

<p>There are various schools of Vedanta. Advaita,&nbsp;<em>not-two</em>, Vedanta or nondualism, considers the essence of man and God not as two but one Reality called Brahman. On the other hand, Dvaita,&nbsp;<em>two</em>, Vedanta or dualism considers man and God as two different entities. There are schools in between like Vishishtadvaita Vedanta or qualified nondualism which considers the jiva to be part of God like waves belong to the ocean or sparks of fire belong to the fire. Which one of them is correct? If one is correct, are all others wrong? Does that then mean all practices of those schools are redundant? What is my relationship with God&nbsp;<em>really</em>? Am I one with Him or separate from Him or a part of Him?</p> <p>Once Lord Rama asked Hanuman &mdash; Hanuman, what is your attitude towards Me? Hanuman replies &mdash;</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/ekatma/which-philosophy-of-god-is-correct-da40de28ce4d"><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: God correct