Let Go Of What Has Passed:

<p>L<strong>etting go means submitting to the Will of God &mdash; As Believers, we know that God has control over all things. When a leaf Falls From a tree it has done so by the permission and the Will of God.&nbsp;</strong>When the branch bends into the wind and thus survives a storm, it does so because God has decreed that it will live on.</p> <p>As Believers, we are ever mindful that God has control over all things. For a certain period of time,&nbsp;<strong>we might be able to Fool ourselves into thinking that we have some sort of control but the sooner we realize that this is not true the easier it will be to let go of the things that are holding us back.</strong></p> <p>In theory, letting go seems to be easy however the reality is vastly different.&nbsp;<strong>Letting go is difficult and sometimes painful but the peace at the end of that road is well worth the effort.</strong></p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/illumination/let-go-of-what-has-passed-bb4bbe4255fd"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Will of God