Tag: Christian

GitHub to Replace Pagan Monad with Christian Cross

San Francisco, CA — In a move that can only be described as #blessed, Github decided to change the monad, often associated with Neoplatonism, with the cross of Jesus Christ. The monad on the issues button has sparked controversy, as some developers felt uneasy with its connection to paganis...

Christian is My Name, if Only in Name

I love The Almighty, yes I do. But I don’t believe he was a Middle-Eastern Jew. The portrait on Grandma’s wall shows he’s white, That’s a big part of why I feel he’s right. I go to church every Sunday, Then discriminate every Monday. I’ve always ...

A True Conservative Christian is Progressive at Heart

If you want to kill a friendship before it even starts, then introduce yourself as a conservative Christian. This is bound to send most people into a hasty retreat unless they, themselves, also happen to be a conservative Christian. In that case, there will probably be much back-slapping, ‘me-...

I’m Gay. I Hated Red, White & Royal Blue. But My Dying Christian Dad?

Iwatched ‘Red, White & Royal Blue’ a couple weeks ago, and I hated it. Okay, that’s not fair. I disliked it. A lot. Rather, it disappointed me. See me equivocating already? I’m not afraid of expressing my opinion, despite the oodles of queer people who adored what they ca...

Cohort Stories: Meet Christian

I am proud of my diverse cultural background. I am most proud of being Hispanic and a person of color. As a kid growing up in a small town, >90% of the population was Hispanic. I didn’t notice a culture change/shock until I arrived at the university. It was hard, but I was able to find peop...

History of the 40 Martyrs of Sebaste: Roman Empire vs. Christian Soldiers

A curious occurrence happened in the early 4th century Roman Empire. The early church historian Bishop Eusebius tells the story of the Roman Emperor Constantine, who, before a battle against his rival Emperor Maxentius in 312 AD at the Milvian Bridge outside of Rom...

One Semester at Yale Divinity School and I’m No Longer a Christian. Here’s Why.

This past Tuesday afternoon I turned in the very last paper of my very first semester at Yale Divinity School. And I have to say after just four short months, I’ve come to a profound shift in my thinking that I feel the need to say publicly: I am no longer a Christian. What happ...

Atheist in Christian America

I was finishing the morning dishes when I saw the strobe of police lights out my kitchen window as several cop cars pulled up to a house across the street from ours. I picked up my 19-month-old son out of the highchair, held him against my ballooning belly, and hauled my 7-month pregnant self out th...

Christian Women Are All Lesbians

I mean, it’s not really special that men are supposed to love their wives. Women are expected to both love and submit to their husbands after all. That’s why men are called to be willing to die for their wives, to make it fair that women have to submit to their husbands and to make all w...

The Abomination of Christian Nationalism

The Evangelical Christian Tim Alberta has written an exhaustive, immersive account of the gross politicization of White Evangelical Christianity in the US. Speaking as an insider, he details how these Christians view Donald Trump as a mercenary figure who will stop the slide of American cu...

Help! I think I’m still a Christian

McMillan’s imagery is reminiscent of Matthew 6:24 — “No one can serve two masters.” But McMillan is referring to more than greed. His lyrics speak to the savagery of contemporary, Western (and by extension, Evangelical) culture, which claims to “hold on to love,” ...

13 Cringeworthy Christian T-Shirts That Will Make You Want to Gouge Your Eyes Out!

Greetings, fashion enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a thrilling expedition into the seedy underbelly of Christian clothing. Brace yourselves, for we’re about to dive headfirst into a treasure trove of cringe, awkwardness, and plain old terrible taste. That’s right, friends and fellow&...

A ‘new’ Bible fragment shocks the Christian story

Rather, a discovery is usually the beginning of a long saga full of intrigue and weirdness. That the biblical evidence survives to emerge into public seems really a miracle. That was the case with ‘P.Oxy. 87.5575’. It sat in a box at Oxford University for a century, to be looked at ev...

10 Things I Stopped Doing After Becoming an Ex-Christian

Hey there. So, here I am, trying to put into words something that’s been swirling around my head for quite some time now. I used to be a devout Christian, you know, the whole shebang — church on Sundays, Bible study during the week, and prayer before every meal. But then, life hap...

Why I’m Giving Up My Christian Identity

I’ve been a Christian for almost 40 years. People know me as a Christian. Most of my friends are Christian. For a long time, being Christian has been my very identity. And that is a problem. I’m known by many people for being good at theology. I’m good at explaining theologic...

Who is the Christian Prince? What is his purpose?

Christian Prince, whose real name is AlKadhi, keeps much of his personal life private, making it difficult to ascertain specific details about his background, including his upbringing, parents, and siblings. However, some general information is known about him. Christian Prince was born in Egypt ...

I Learned the “Good News” About Rape at a Christian Camp

Located in the Sequoia National Forest about an hour east of Fresno, Hume Lake Christian Camp sits nestled in the trees up in the mountains, high away from the “persecutions” of everyday Evangelical Christian life in Southern California. A life-long Christian school student, I had no ...

A Worship Song by a Drag Queen Hit Number 1 on Christian Music Charts

Flamy Grant is a “shame-slaying, hip-swaying, singing, songwriting drag queen” who served as a worship leader for 22 years before she started doing drag. She describes her song Good Day as “an uplifting anthem for anyone who has felt excluded by the church,” adding ...

A Personal and Compassionate Response to Christian Proselytizers

This path could be spiritual for YOU or it could be atheistic for YOU or “experiencing God in a non-God way” for YOU. I’m not special enough that my beliefs are superior to yours just because they’re mine and you’re not special enough that your beliefs are superior t...

What cuts did Christianity make to the Bible?

Around 180 A.D., the pagan writer Celsus notes they “alter the original text of the Gospel three or four or many times, and modify it in order to be able to reject criticisms.” Around 400 A.D., the Christian translator Jerome, likewise, complains that Christian cop...

Jesus’ Teachings on Christian Divorce

Greetings, dear readers. As a Christian, I have often turned to the scriptures to seek guidance on the complexities of human relationships, particularly marriage. In this reflection, I aim to explore one of the most poignant and transformative aspects of Jesus’ teachings: His stance on&nbsp...

The idea that not everyone is Christian breaks their brains

I don’t think I’ve been to a basic American holiday season celebration where my Jewishness wasn’t brought up, and not by me. I’m not religious, don’t typically discuss religion, and don’t come from a family that was religious or typically discussed religion. I hav...

How did the Christian kingdom of Ethiopia resist in the face of the Islamic advance in the region?

Ethiopia became one of the first Christian states in the world. The conversion of the kingdom is attributed to Frumentius a Syrian in the service of the emperor of Axum who won his trust, becoming his advisor and the first bishop of Ethiopia. Thus he succeeded in converting the Axumite court and ...

Christian Missionary Told Me Melanin Was A Satanic Institution

SO, during a stroll downtown, a missionary handed me a card about the church. He said to me: “Can I ask you a question?” That question was, “Have you ever lied”. I told him, “yes, plenty of times when I was younger.”. He then asked what do you call a man w...

The Real Threat to America is Not Islam, It’s Christian Nationalism

It was Christian nationalism that just overturned Roe v. Wade and removed women’s constitutionally protected rights. Christian nationalism is now threatening to come after marriage equality and the right to use contraceptives. Christian nationalism has just ensured that the...

Who is the Christian Prince? What is his purpose?

Christian Prince, whose real name is AlKadhi, keeps much of his personal life private, making it difficult to ascertain specific details about his background, including his upbringing, parents, and siblings. However, some general information is known about him. Christian Prince was born in Egypt ...

The Niche is: “Islam for The Christian”

It is Surat Al-Mā’idah (Chapter 5) of the Holy Quran, Verse 82. “… and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, “We are Christians.” That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.” ...

10 Things I Did As a Christian That Now I Realize Is Not Normal

Growing up in a devout Christian household, my life was centered around faith, prayer, and church activities. Everything I did revolved around the teachings of Christianity, and I never questioned the norms that had been ingrained in me since childhood. It was only later in life, as I began to explo...

How to Scare an Evangelical Christian

I consider myself an Evangelical Christian in theology for the most part. But, the new trend among Evangelical Christians in which patriotism and an America-first attitude outweigh Jesus’ teachings, is not something I can accept. It seems to me this Patriotic Gospel is gaining more momentum...

The End of White Christian America: An Interview with Robert P. Jones

The following interview by John Sides is posted by permission from the Washington Post (August 15, 2016). Sides is an Associate Professor of Political Science at George Washington University. He specializes in public opinion, voting, and American elections. Robert P. Jones is the founding ...

6 Reasons Why Christian Supremacy is a Bigger Threat Than White Supremacy

Some Christians are pluralists. They love Jesus and read the Bible, but they honor and affirm the validity of religions other than their own. They see their faith as personal. Other Christians are totalitarians. They believe that Christianity is the only true religion and that all others are inva...

I Changed My Mind (Introduction to a Ten Part Series)

Growing up and coming of age in a European US Christian community and culture in the 80s and 90s, I learned to see things a certain way. How exactly I came to view the world around me is a long and complex story involving US politics, economics, religion, and family. I am now a forty-five year ol...

Jesus Like You’ve Never Seen Before — Discoveries from Early Christian Art

The claim that we definitely know what Jesus looked like is an intriguing one, especially related to the Christ Pantocrator icon. This image, as far as we know, only exists in its oldest form from the 6th or 7th century. This particular icon was initially painted in Saint Catherine’s Monastery...

Gay Christian Counseling is Either Horrific or Helpful

I have a Ph.D. in counseling and provided thousands of hours of professional counseling to gay Christian men. Likewise, as a gay Christian man, I have received hundreds of hours of professional counseling. Such experiences of being vulnerable to a counselor can be very inti...

How cannabis is helping me Heal from Trauma, and why I would suggest it to a friend.

Asa strictly raised country christian girl, I grew-up very innocent, naive, sheltered, and un/inexperienced. More than anyone ever thinks to even expect when they meet me (then or now). I was and am that stereo-typical good girl, girl next door kind of girl. Additionally, I grew-up in the country of...

Christian Nationalism in America and Orthodox Tyranny in Russia

Atheists and agnostics may have a hard time reading the speculations below. Believers, on the other hand, may catch on if they keep in mind that God is always in control. Not Trump, not Putin, not Biden, but God. As left-wing activists hang on to their description of Christianity in America as Ch...

The Secret History of Christian Polygamy

A Swiss theologian who lived from 1886 to 1968 married a wife, Nelly, in 1913. She was the mother of his five children. Then Barth took another wife, Lollo. She was the one he actually loved, travelled with, as they worked together on his theology. When Barth travelled to speak at Christian semin...

Between Traditions and The Christian Faith:

Christianity is a practice belief system — of faith in the heart acted out in daily life. So the Christian is known not just for professing faith in Christ and his work of atonement, but also for the outworking of his faith in character and relationship to others. Jesus says, “You wil...

Christian Provencal: The 17-Year-Old Entrepreneur from Hearst Ontario, Canada, Revolutionizing Designer Fashion

In the heart of Hearst, Ontario, a small town known for its picturesque landscapes and tight-knit community, a young entrepreneur is making waves in the world of fashion. At just 17 years old, Christian Provencal has embarked on a remarkable journey, driven by ambition, passion, and a desire to insp...