How to Scare an Evangelical Christian

<p>I consider myself an Evangelical Christian in theology for the most part. But, the new trend among Evangelical Christians in which patriotism and an America-first attitude outweigh Jesus&rsquo; teachings, is not something I can accept.</p> <p>It seems to me this Patriotic Gospel is gaining more momentum. Though, certainly it&rsquo;s not an entirely new mindset within the evangelical church. My thoughts below are meant to point out some of the absurdity of what this false gospel leads people to think. I imagine, for those deep within the confines of this offshoot of real Christianity, they&rsquo;ll only be annoyed with me for calling them out. Hopefully, for others, they can see some of the hypocrisy of it, and turn away.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>