A True Conservative Christian is Progressive at Heart

<p>If you want to kill a friendship before it even starts, then introduce yourself as a conservative Christian. This is bound to send most people into a hasty retreat unless they, themselves, also happen to be a conservative Christian. In that case, there will probably be much back-slapping, &lsquo;me-too-ing,&rsquo; and instant affinity.</p> <p>But why run the risk?</p> <p>More often than not, the conservative Christian Church is seen as holding society back from its assumed march toward social progress. Right now, how we talk about Christianity in our culture tends to paint it as a bit of an exclusive club, dominated by a single demographic &mdash; mainly white males &mdash; and sometimes seen as imposing and oppressive.</p> <p>To be honest, who could blame people for holding this view?</p> <p>The Church&rsquo;s attitude towards the LGBTIQ+ community, its climate change denial, its systematic sexism, misogyny, and misuse of power, among other things, has raised the bar for belief so high that it might as well be an Olympic sport. Not to mention how Christianity became the bedfellow of political conservatism. A tension exists between Christians who want to be responsible global citizens while still adhering to their conservative faith. It&rsquo;s almost as if, when you walk into Church, you need to check your moral sensibilities and intellect at the door, too.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/backyard-theology/a-true-conservative-christian-is-progressive-at-heart-4ba9042dbde0"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>