Christian Missionary Told Me Melanin Was A Satanic Institution

<p>SO, during a stroll downtown, a missionary handed me a card about the church.</p> <p><strong>He said to me:</strong>&nbsp;&ldquo;Can I ask you a question?&rdquo; That question was, &ldquo;Have you ever lied&rdquo;. I told him, &ldquo;yes, plenty of times when I was younger.&rdquo;. He then asked what do you call a man who lies? I answered: &ldquo;An ill-faith is what we call him.&rdquo; He proceeded to tell me I was a liar for lies I told dozens of years ago, I did not agree.</p> <p><strong>I spoke:</strong>&nbsp;&ldquo;I am no lair, for I no longer lie&rdquo;. He stood there and tried to convince me I was less than. He wanted me to feel low like he did. Many other questions will arise that he could not checkmate me on. His partner attempted to assist him in making me feel less than. A crowd is starting to gather and hear what I have to say&hellip; My wife is there smirking, like: &ldquo;These dudes have no idea what they just started.&rdquo;</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>