Between Traditions and The Christian Faith:

<p>Christianity is a practice belief system &mdash; of faith in the heart acted out in daily life. So the Christian is known not just for professing faith in Christ and his work of atonement, but also for the outworking of his faith in character and relationship to others.</p> <p>Jesus says, &ldquo;You will know them by their fruits&rdquo; (Matt. 7: 15&ndash;20).</p> <p>The practice of Christianity has evolved over time in history, manifesting both as inner expressions of faith and outward show. Christians wear different traditional and cultural togas &mdash; reflecting their cultures but saying little about their inner spiritual reality. The external display of Christianity is evidenced more among the clergy &mdash; who are distinguished by their official garbs than among the laity &mdash; the everyday Christian folks.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>