Tag: Body

How to Build an Aesthetic V-Taper Body Even If You Have Bad Genetics

Of the 6 years I took to build my dream body — 4 were a waste. Swayed by “Eat Big to get big” and discouraged by “V-Taper’s all genetics, brah!” I hogged myself to a plump chump. Overcompensating, I starved myself to a near-anorexic zombie. Pl...

My Naked Body as a Festering Wound

I was reading this wonderful article discussing the symbolism of nakedness in the work of Austrian artist Egon Schiele, who was rather well known for his very vivid, very raw depictions of the nude body. Nudity has long been a fascination of mine, as most things forbidden, and this quote a...

Stop Body Shaming Donald Trump

The use of Donald Trump’s bodily characteristics to reinforce and indulge in feelings of disgust toward him is nothing new. But as he reported for booking at Fulton County Jail, social media exploded with speculation about whether his processing would finally reveal his accurate height and wei...

Your Body Is Begging You To Pause, Breathe, And Listen

Many of us have normalized the chaotic pace of today’s world. We think we need to do it all, fulfill every responsibility, and be everywhere all the time. I know I certainly did. Over the past couple of years, I found myself caught in a whirlwind of busyness. In the pursuit of keeping up, I...

The Time I Forgot My Body Can Only Take so Much

At one point in my life, I allowed someone to take my mattered heart, of blood and cells and electrons from my precious body, while my spirit danced. They supercooled it in liquid nitrogen. Held it up with gloved hands, in front of my eyes, went to the second-story balcony, and flung it into noth...

Protecting My Ears Helped Me to Embrace This Aging Body

When my friend asked me if I wanted to go see the band Foreigner at a local outdoor concert venue, at first I balked. I’m a fan of their hits but not necessarily the biggest fan of the band. Add to that, they were playing at the Shoreline Amphitheatre which is quite well...

The Body-mind: Working Somatically for Lasting Change

“Thoughts alone tend to lose out under pressure….when the pressure comes on, what is most deeply practiced in us or what is embodied is what will come forward.” — Staci K. Haines How often have you tried to think or read your way to change? Perhaps you picked up a goo...

Giving the Player a Body — VR

If you’ve been following along and have popped your headset on, you may have noticed that we can walk through all of the objects in the scene. If you’re wondering why this is happening, it is because we don’t have a body! To add collision to the XR Origin, we have to add a colli...

Giving the Player a Body — VR

If you’ve been following along and have popped your headset on, you may have noticed that we can walk through all of the objects in the scene. If you’re wondering why this is happening, it is because we don’t have a body! To add collision to the XR Origin, we have to add a colli...

The Bar Girl With The Slim Body

I was wandering around Bangkok with a small bottle of vodka giving shots to all the girls I knew. One thing I quickly noticed about these women is that they are much more receptive when you have a gift to offer. Especially alcohol. At this point, I had a couple of friends in Bangkok. All of them ...

Body, Brain and City memory.

I read the article, ‘Your brain does not function like a computer’ published by Aeon, as I prepare to launch two retreats in the next few months. One in the the Pacific ocean another one in the megalopolis of Mexico city. In this radical article about how we are overusing technology m...

What Hiking 6,592 Miles Does To The Body

I hiked 6,592 miles around the coast of Great Britain in 385 days. I wanted the challenge, and I pushed myself. My body changed, and endured. Hiking 20–30 mile (30–50km) days or more in all weather and seasons took its toll, especially in the pathless wilderness of the Scottish west coas...

The Aging Body

A comedy skit of old women going out to eat wouldn’t be as funny and poignant as my mother and her friend, Ann, getting out of and then back into my Corolla when we went out the other night. They ignored my suggestions about what to hold onto and where to walk. Or they didn’t hear me. Or...

Mindfulness of The Body

Mindfulness is the first of the seven factors of enlightenment. There’s a lot to cover here, and it will need more than one post I think. The word mindfulness means to keep something in mind — to remember. It is about being aware of one’s experience of reality without the concep...

The Five Separations of Body Image

The Middle Way was taught by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Born into a rich family in the ancient city of Kapilavastu, Gautama lived a comfortable, privileged life within the grounds of his family’s palace. Gautama first set foot beyond the confines of wealth and luxury at the age of 29. He ...

# 511: BOOK OF THE WEEK — “Introducing Body Theology.”

This book was not my choice. It was the choice of a theology professor who put it in the syllabus for an anthropology seminar. Well, and to be fair, I made the choice to read it! It was additional reading and I am glad I opened the book. It immediately attracted my attention. It is no secret that I ...

Jackson’s Unidentified Body Problem

Upon his election in 2017, Mayor of Jackson Chokwe Lumumba promised to make Jackson “The Most Radical City on the Planet”. While many changes have indeed occurred under his leadership, there are issues long buried that are now beginning to wake up and undue any trust left government and ...

The Body Positivity Movement Isn’t for Thin Women

Fatphobia has been normalized to the point of invisibility. The body positivity movement is a direct response to that. It’s a pervasive part of our culture we’ve all missed. Impeccably hidden in plain sight. Without a solid understanding of body positivity’s origin, and pur...

Body Autonomy Is Protected By The Constitution

Most discussions about abortion and choice center around whether or not a fetus is a full human being with the same or greater level of rights as an actual woman. When exactly a fertilized egg becomes a true “person” is a philosophical question that has a lot of nuances and no truly defi...

‘Black Body Language for Dummies’

One widely noted example of how black people react when white people passively aggressively invade our bodily spaces is when they touch black hair, to ‘see how it feels’ (read, I’ve heard you’re so different from me I just want to confirm for myself just how exotic & unre...

Your mixed appearance could explain your body dissatisfaction (or satisfaction)

Body dissatisfaction, or a negative body image, or poor body esteem, or simply negative feelings and evaluations of one’s body— happens due to a plethora of reasons. You may be surrounded by a body image climate; you might have experienced trauma as a child which has contributed to your ...

The Extraordinary Effort to Plot Every Immune Cell in the Human Body

The world now hosts nearly 8 billion humans, each with a 100 trillion cells. That’s a staggering figure. Thanks to prolific advancements in computing power and unprecedented investments in biotechnology, staggering figures are easily broken down. By using exponentially more powerful c...

The AFC Championship body language of Taylor and Travis revealed numerous signs.

While Taylor Swift is rejoicing in her boyfriend’s accomplishment, Travis Kelce is on his way to the Super Bowl. The Kansas City Chiefs defeated the Baltimore Ravens in the AFC Championship on January 29, which guarantees them a spot in the NFL Championship on February 11. Swift congratul...

Why Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese don’t have Body Odor?

As we all know sweat is just water combined with salts that our body releases onto our skin in order to cool off our body. Contrary to the popular belief, sweat itself is odorless. Then what causes the smell? In order to understand that kets get familiar with sweat and how it is produced. Swea...

Health > Appearance: This body positivity bs has gone way too far. [As a medic]

During grad school, my diet was predominantly pizza — a staple at almost every school event. This wasn’t out of choice but necessity, given the financial constraints most students face. The result? A visceral aversion to pizza, yes, but more importantly, a realization of how poor dietary...

Rethinking Body Temperature: 98.6 F is Not Normal

I’m miserable: I have shaking chills, sore throat, a splitting headache, and the room is spinning, so I call my physician’s office for help and to hopefully be evaluated. I speak with the gatekeeper nurse, who asks the inevitable question: What is your temperature? When I tell he...

The Body Between Us: Surfing Music’s Emergent Body

One of the weirdest, most confounding aspects of music is playing with other people. It’s quite mysterious as each person plays their individual instruments in accordance with something that lives between them all — melody, rhythm, tone, groove that, taken together, becomes something new...

How To Interpret And Utilize Body Language Effectively

We all make use of body language; it is a powerful tool that we employ every day and sometimes without realizing it. Our bodies communicate with the rest of the world through our posture and facial expressions, among other things. By interpreting body language and putting it to good use in our...

The “Four Circles” of the Violin: The Body Equations

In Part 1, I introduced a qualitative generalisation of Kevin Kelly’s Four Circle system of violin design. In this section, I will derive the general mathematical relationships that define the body of a violin. Terminology A note on the use of the word “body”. ...

Outfits for Round Body Shape!

People with this body shape have narrow shoulders and wide midriff and hips and are known as “Round Body Shape”. Your worry is over now! We have the right outfits that you can wear and look perfectly amazing in. Its party time!! Are you party animal? But, always end up thinking how...

A Story About My Fashion Designs

Just last year, Sondra Grace, the fashion design curator at the Massachusetts College of Art & Design, where I graduated in fashion design in 1955, asked for a large group of my designs for their museum archive. They were featured in their catalog in 2022, as shown. I wasn’t much for fame,...

Oversized T-Shirt Fashion for Men with Inverted Triangle Body Types

The inverted triangle body type, often characteristic of athletic individuals or those engaged in regular sports, showcases broad shoulders contrasted with a narrower chest, hips, and waist. Men with this distinctive physique encounter unique challenges in selecting attire that balances their propor...

Weight Loss: A Comprehensive Guide to Healthy Body Transformation

Weight loss refers to the process of reducing body weight through various methods and techniques. It is an essential aspect of maintaining overall health and well-being, as excess weight can lead to various health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and joint problems. Achieving and maintaining ...

A love letter to my Long Covid body

Four years ago to the day, I was in a hotel room in New York City, getting dressed for a magical night at a tiny crowded theater. I wasn’t thinking of the growing rumbles of a pandemic on the horizon as I worked my way through the short supply of options in my suitcase. I tugged awkwardly at m...

The Cruel But Inevitable Body Changes That Come With Aging

My hair is disappearing at an accelerated rate. Soon, I will be accepting baldness or a comb-over. Neither one is appealing. I have learned to accept my spider veins and belly, but my head hair? No. This can’t be me. I now notice men with bald skulls and a semi-circle rim of hair underneath...

Why I Don’t Follow Body Positivity Accounts on Social Media

“I have so much respect for her,” my friend raved, eyes glued on a stream of selfies. “I don’t,” I said. I really don’t. In fact, I can’t help but cringe every time I see people exhaustively flaunt themselves all over social media and call it...

The Toxic Body Image of The 2000s

Ah, the noughties. A decade that saw global recession, the word “terrorism” become part of our everyday lexicon, and the Internet finding its way into our homes. A decade where many discriminatory and problematic things were considered a-ok that would decidedly not fly in the 2...

Navigating Body Image Through the Years

I have been trying to lose weight since I was 11 years old. I vividly remember being weighed in gym class in the 6th grade in front of everyone else. They called my name and I had to get up in front of everyone and walk over to the scale and step up. I think I weighed around 115 pounds and a lot of ...

Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Self-Esteem and Body Image

The Unrealistic Beauty Standards Social media has become a modern mirror, reflecting images of perfection that are often far removed from the reality of human diversity. The study points out how these platforms are rife with images promoting unattainable beauty standards. It’s like wa...

The not-so-secret reason I don’t have body odor might help you manage yours

How do I use it? While I’m in the shower, I’ll splash on some lukewarm water. Then, I dispense a pea-sized amount of the wash and massage gently in a circular motion into my underarm area until it starts to foam. Finally, I wash it off with water. The process probably takes less than ...

I Have Always Felt Great About My Body Until Today

I have always had a positive body image, hardly ever having doubts about my physical appearance. By the time I crossed my late 20s, I lost my slenderness and started piling weight around my midriff. I did not feel any less about myself. I knew my hormones had a huge role to play, plus my eating habi...

Body Shaming: The Uninvited Criticism

Few themes resonate as loudly and frequently in modern conversations as concerns about body image. Body shaming touches all aspects of our lives, impacting our self-image, interpersonal interactions, and cultural standards. It presents itself in subtle remarks from acquaintances, the constant pursui...

The Impact of Social Media on Body Image and Self-Esteem

The constant exposure to curated and often unrealistic images of beauty and perfection on social media can lead to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem in individuals. Research has shown that the use of social media is associated with increased body dissatisfaction, particularly among young wo...

I Don’t Want to Lose Another Summer to Body Insecurity

This awareness escalated with ease into an eating disorder by the age of fifteen, which took over every inch of my existence and stole years of my life. Even now, when I’m in a better place, able to both eat and exercise for pleasure, it will always claim rent-free space in my mind. Even ...

How to Achieve an Athletic Body: A Comprehensive Guide

1.1. Cardiovascular Exercise Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, is essential for improving your cardiovascular health, burning calories, and increasing your endurance. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per...

Social Media Fuels Body Image Anxiety

Growing up, my only exposure to the ideal male physique was fitness magazines. My monthly dose of feeling terrible about myself. Dudes on steroids telling me how to get jacked. Like motorists telling pedestrians how to go 100 miles per hour. Each edition contradicted the previous. Eat big t...

Ideal Body Proportions: An How To Guide

The human body, in all its complexity, has been the subject of countless studies, theories, and measurements. One such area of study is the concept of ideal body proportions. These proportions are often used in the fields of health and fitness, fashion, and even art, to determine what is considered ...

Body Types: Teen Body

Before we get started please remember going forward that body preference is definitely there (mostly as a reflection of psychology), but if her personality is awesome and we’re right for each other that’s really all that matters to me in the end… I’ll still always love her c...

Achieving Body Positivity: What Defines Short Height for Women?

Height is a physical attribute that varies among individuals. While height can be subjective, there are certain standards and averages that help define what is considered short or tall. In this article, we will explore the definition of short height specifically for women. Understanding this definit...

Preschoolers and Body Image: Why Positive Body Talk Isn’t Enough

I know we’re all supposed to be filled with constant self-doubt, and I usually am, but I gotta be honest, I think I’m a pretty good mom. Of course I’m still a human being bringing my own trauma, triggers, and temper to this wild ride that is parenting. But I work really hard at ...

How I killed my dream body

When it comes to weight management, there’s plenty of different scenarios people experience, but most of the time, I find you’ll fall into one of two camps: overweight, eats healthy, works out, and can’t lose weight; and skinny, eats tons of protein and carbs, lifts weights, and ca...

How Do You Cope with Body Changes in Your Mid-20s?

Like many other high schoolers I lacked a lot of confidence when it came to my body. I was incredibly skinny only weighing about 100 pounds and felt like every article of clothing was swallowing me. I never felt confident in my clothes and tried to keep to myself as a result. I would often hear comm...

Death Becomes Her: The Real Horror of Body Policing

My sister and I kicked off the Halloween season last night with Death Becomes Her (1992) starring Meryl Streep, Bruce Willis and Goldie Hawn. Rotten Tomatoes has got this film all wrong, awarding it a measly 55%. Ignore that. This is one of the silliest, and surprisingly thought-provoking,...

Discovering And Understanding Body Neutrality

We all want to feel comfortable in our skin. Feel desired and like we fit in. Feel like our bodies are beautiful and receive compliments and validation on that fact. But what if I told you that the key to loving your body is actually not caring about how it looks? You might be thinking: ...

The Cruel But Inevitable Body Changes That Come With Aging

My hair is disappearing at an accelerated rate. Soon, I will be accepting baldness or a comb-over. Neither one is appealing. I have learned to accept my spider veins and belly, but my head hair? No. This can’t be me. I now notice men with bald skulls and a semi-circle rim of hair underneath...

Most common Questions about body shimmer

Body shimmer is a cosmetic product that is used to add a glow or shine to the skin. It is typically applied to the face, neck, shoulders, and décolletage. Body shimmer can be used to highlight the skin, create a natural-looking glow, or add a touch of sparkle to the skin. It is available in a...

Top 16 Homemade Body Scrub for Tan Removal

It is crucial to schedule time for self-care in today’s busy world. With a DIY homemade body scrub for tan removal, you may obtain the same reviving results at home, even if a spa day is only sometimes in the cards for your schedule or wallet. These tan removal body scrub at home provide sever...

16 Best Korean Body Lotions for Your Skincare Routine

I’m a French-Canadian man and I’ve been living here in South Korea for over 20 years… I run this lovely Dad blog and I talk a lot about Korean stuff… Now let’s talk about Korean body lotions! Most of the talked about lotions are geared toward the ladies but these comp...

“I want to fuck your brain, not your body”

That sounded like a hell of a compliment. I know he loves my body, so I’m ok with that phase. It sounds pretty different from the phrase with a similar set of words in another post here. I never thought this story with the first frenchman will have a continuation. I can&rsquo...

Body Parts in Spanish

What do you do if you twist your ankle or your cut your hand and you don’t know how to explain anything? Well, that’s why we’re here. In this article, we’ll be going over a list of all the body parts in Spanish, as well as going over how to talk about the parts of the body...

Body Parts in Spanish

What do you do if you twist your ankle or your cut your hand and you don’t know how to explain anything? Well, that’s why we’re here. In this article, we’ll be going over a list of all the body parts in Spanish, as well as going over how to talk about the parts of the body...