# 511: BOOK OF THE WEEK — “Introducing Body Theology.”

<p>This book was not my choice. It was the choice of a theology professor who put it in the syllabus for an anthropology seminar. Well, and to be fair, I made the choice to read it! It was additional reading and I am glad I opened the book. It immediately attracted my attention. It is no secret that I stress the importance of the body when it comes to questions of holistic healing. And theology and spirituality are part of that.</p> <p>I had never heard the term &ldquo;body theology&rdquo; before. And, given the fact that the book is from 1998, it cannot be stated that this concept is &ldquo;new&rdquo;! Still, when looking at the things that one learns in a theology study program, scholarly literature from the U.S., especially with a feminist focus, is not the rule but rather the exception. That in and of itself is a finding that says something about bodies and their role in theology. There still is male dominance but that is not what I want to focus on in my short reflection here.</p> <p><a href="https://silkeschmidt-32637.medium.com/511-book-of-the-week-introducing-body-theology-01654b7027fb"><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Body Theology