Tag: Big

GBH News and PRX Debut New Podcast, “The Big Dig,” the Fascinating Story of the Most Expensive Highway Project in America

Can America still build big things? It’s the central question of The Big Dig, a new podcast announced today from GBH News and PRX, examining American infrastructure through the lens of the most expensive highway project in the nation’s history. The nine-part limite...

How to craft good Objectives and Key Results in OKR and Run OKR on a Big Scale

In a large organization, it is often difficult to create and use proper objectives and key results. Of course, you can quickly formulate objective and key results for a cycle, a year, or even longer, but to create objective and key results which allow easy execution and measurement of progress is an...

Was the Knights of the Old Republic Remake Too Big To Succeed?

The idea of a video game remake is tricky. On the one hand, you have the golden opportunity to make a game for a new audience to enjoy, while at the same time lovingly tributing the material that many enjoyed in the first place. Dead Space and Resident Evil 4 are key examples of ...

DevOps Big Picture (On-Premises)

An overview of DevOps best practices and tools for on-premises environments Introduction Recently, I conducted an internet search to find an overview of DevOps, aiming to assess the existing tools and practices within our company. Despite the abundance of DevOps tools and practices, I coul...

New iOS17 features you may not have heard about but will make a big difference

iOS 17 is finally here with a big fanfare being made of its key features such as Interactive widgets and the new Standby Mode. However, the new software update also brings a list of smaller features, which typically don’t get the same levels of attention but are just as exciting &mdash...

Weird Choices and Big Numbers: What Apple Got up to Yesterday

Where was the iPad mini? What about AirPods Max? Is that it?! Thirty minutes? Come on, Tim — where the hell is the 32-inch iMac Pro? This is what Apple does. While we’re all sitting here pondering over how many products they’re going to announce at their next event, t...

The One Minute Geographer: Massachusetts (6): How Big is Boston?

Massachusetts in one of those states where you think first of its big city: “The Hub” — Boston. So in that sense it’s like cities in several other states where the primate city dominates: New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Denver, Phoenix come to mind. Boston is the 21st largest ...

Little John’s Big Shot

Everyone’s heard of Little John. His real name, according to the legend, was John Little but he was nicknamed Little John by his partner in crime, the quintessential hero-bandit, Robin Hood. Their history is intertwined, their stories undetachable, where Robin went, John followed. So, th...

The Big Sleep

It was four days before the spring Equinox, traditionally a time of hope. March this year was unseasonably mild in Edinburgh and the little soft leaf bud eruptions, breaking the smooth lines of the birch and early cherry tree branches, spoke of rising sap and bright days ahead. It was an especial...

Hong Kong’s Web3 Renaissance: Big Demo Day VI

Big Demo Day VI, a highly anticipated event, took place successfully at the Hong Kong Cyberport on August 29th. The focal point of this significant occasion was the thematic exploration of “Hong Kong Cyberport vs. Public Chains: Hong Kong’s Strategic Blueprint in Web3.” The event w...

Tiananmen — The Big Lie

Tiananmen was never about democracy in China. It was about SOCIAL reform, not political or economic changes, according to Carl Zha, who was present at the Tiananmen protests, and the host of the “Silk And Steel” program, as he explained in his Tiananmen Twitter podcasts. The Co...

TOPIC : What are the causes and / or effects of overpopulation in big cities ?

Common Matter In Big Cities : Overpopulation It is an obvious fact that especially big cities in the world are getting more and more crowded and this increase is called as overpopulation . Overpopulation is described as a problem in the mega cities by the authorities and many citizens b...

Solution for OSINT challenge #007 by Sofia Santos — The big dilemma —

In this write up I will be showing you how I found the answer for the questions stated below. The riddle: https://gralhix.com/list-of-osint-exercises/osint-exercise-007/ Task briefing: The photo below was taken a few years ago in a beautiful city. Your task is to find the answers to...

The UK has a big problem.

The UK has a big problem on its hands, and no I’m not talking about the never-ending increases in knife crime. While some may have heard the youth refer to it as “smart whip” the drug in question is nitrous oxide, more commonly known as laughing gas. Nitrous oxide is a colourles...

The History and some amazing facts about Big Ben

Big Ben is one of London’s most iconic landmarks and has become synonymous with the city’s identity. The famous clock tower, located at the north end of the Palace of Westminster, has been the symbol of London and the British Parliament for over a century. The tower was renamed the Eliza...

Retail Theft In Big Cities: Who’s To Blame?

I’m beyond tired of reading portrayals of San Francisco and Los Angeles as dystopian wastelands from people who have likely never set foot in places such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, let alone lived there. For the better part of the last 24 years, I have lived in San Francisco or Los A...

Visit New York: Embrace the Buzz and Energy of the Big City

Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable journey to a city that never sleeps? Visit New York and immerse yourself in the vibrant buzz and energy that radiate from every corner of this captivating metropolis. From iconic landmarks to hidden gems, cultural diversity to culinary delights, and w...

Big Dogs, Big City

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a big dog person. This is to be taken in the most literal sense. I’m a big dog person. I like a dog that weighs in at at least 100 pounds. My first (and best ever) dog, Rex, was a modest eighty pounds, but my dogs since then have bee...

The Summer of the Big Smoke

Growing up in Western Canada in the sixties and seventies I was used to the smell of forest fires. It happened every summer. Sometimes the fires would be causing devastation nearby but usually, they were hundreds of miles away in the northern part of the province or further west in the forests of Br...

Procurify Big Summer Week 2022

Our product and engineering teams took part in a two-day “Spend Hub” hackathon. Their challenge was to create functioning software (or at least a new concept or minimum viable product) with a team over the course of the event. Teams spent two days wireframing, designing, coding new cr...

Natural Gas Is Bringing Down Big Oil

Natural gas has fallen off a cliff towards international obscurity over the nearly two years since Russia invaded Ukraine. Conventional wisdom has long been that natural gas would be the longest-living of the three main fossil fuels, with coal use dying off first, followed by oil, and gas benefiting...

Ask The Big Questions

The idea for this post sat in my drafts for 16 months because I feared coming off as someone who doesn’t understand the value of measurement or impact. On the contrary: throughout my 20s, I worked in no fewer than 15 labs — ranging in psychology from the social/emotional (“quantify...

How Much Do You Know About the Big Cats in the Wild?

The animal kingdom is home to many “big cats” across the world. These cats include lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, snow leopards, cougars, and cheetahs. Many other smaller cats are also in the wild, such as bobcats, ocelots, and lynxes, but we will save those for another day. I made...

A Little Bird’s Big Sisters

Back before technology changed how we study animal movements, we could only guess the specifics of bird migration routes, how different populations separate during their migrations, or how they stay together. For a long time, this guessing game characterized scientists’ understanding of Dunlin...

Choose independent gear specialists for big adventures

We love backpacks, hydration vests and outdoor gear to carry more outdoor gear as much as the group above love their handbags, clutches and purses. We’ll drop top dollar on a pack comprising the toughest materials known to man, then coddle it. A loose thread? A scuff? Some oxidation on a YKK z...

The Bite Out of Big Tech’s Carbon Footprint: Apple’s Sustainability Strategy

In the race to be the greenest tech giant, Apple takes a confident stride forward with its ambitious “Apple 2030” strategy. It’s a bold commitment to carbon neutrality across their entire value chain, encompassing everything from product design to supplier engagement. But is this j...

Big Cat Hybrids List

A Panthera hybrid, also known as a big cat hybrid, refers to the offspring resulting from the mating of individuals belonging to any of the five species within the Panthera genus: tiger, lion, jaguar, leopard, and snow leopard. It is worth noting that these hybrids are typically infertile, particula...

What Big Eyes You Have

This leaf-green lovely is a Giant Rainforest Mantis (Hierodula majuscula). Just a young ‘un — a nymph* — only 75 mm (3 in) long. When fully grown, this species is up to 110 mm (4.3 in). It is the largest mantis in Australia and one of the largest in the world. What are you l...

The World’s Least Deadly Big Cats

Deadly, ferocious felines! Lions, tigers, man-eaters, oh my! We are drawn to the beauty of these peerless predators even as we fixate on their ability to harm us. Naturally, humans are interested in keeping themselves and their families safe and secure, and we are intrigued by power. It makes sense ...

Double Your Impact: The Big Give

The first was an elephant charity, ‘Space for Giants’, which reduces conflict between people and elephants in Africa. They erect fencing around small farms. People who depend on their farms for their livelihood sometimes shoot elephants if the animals are raiding their crops. The farm...

The Big Match: VOO and SCHD Faceoff in the Ultimate ETF Showdown

ETFs, or Exchange-Traded Funds, are a popular investment vehicle in today’s stock market. But what exactly are ETFs, and why should you consider investing in them? ETFs are similar to mutual funds but with some key differences. They are funds that are traded on stock exchanges, just like in...

There’s A Big Beautiful World Out There

It’s alarming how much time I can spend in my head. Driving to Intermarche, I’m vaguely aware that the vineyards have been harvested, I notice that the car behind is drawing closer and will probably try to overtake me, but mostly I’m replaying a conversation from a couple of hours ...

My Big Problem With Jesus

When I look at his life, I see that he got pretty frustrated a lot of the time. He would say things like, “how long do I have to put up with you?!”, he called a Gentile woman a dog, and he seemed to always get angry pretty quickly at the Pharisees. When you disagree with someone, the ...


One of the biggest astrological events of the year is about to unfold this week and it is set to bring a wave of transformation! On January 20, we’ll experience a life changing astrological moment as Pluto, the planet of deep change and renewal, makes his move into Aquarius. I for one, am t...

How to Break Into Big Law

This is part one in a series on “Big Law” firms from the perspective of a former Big Law associate. Part two discusses how to succeed as a Big Law summer associate. Part three discusses how to succeed as a first-year Big Law associate. Notwithstanding the lawsuits ...

Big cargo ships, big pollution

Have you ever asked yourself how things get to where you are? Bananas from Ecuador? No problem. A computer from China? It’s waiting for you. Clothes from Bangladesh? Of course. Sure, there’s a lot of buzz going around about Amazon’s supply chain, but that’s usually...

Big Skies

The unique perspective of a truck driver is one often passed over when considering the best and most beautiful places in the country. Access to much of what the United States has to offer is restricted to cars, offering no welcome to what are seen as 80,000-pound reminders of the global energy, econ...

The Big Dam

Do you understand how the builders of that dam must have had a big chunk of concrete first in their own hearts? How else could they have thought this was ok? My parents did not intend to dam me up. As parents go, mine were very encouraging of free choice. I am a white person; the damm...

What’s the Big Deal About Discovery?

Some municipalities and states have already adopted Indigenous Peoples’ Day as an alternative to Columbus Day. Others have not (yet.) Some people are grateful that the powers-that-be have recognized that Columbus and other “explorers” were not “discoverers,” but were vi...

Poem: Before The Big Bang…

Before the Big Bang, There was no up, there was no down, there was no side to side, There was no light, there was no dark, nor shapes to find, There were no stars or Planet Mars, no protons to collide. Read More

What was Before the Big Bang?

This question is one of those things you ask yourself late at night before trying to sleep, which ultimately results in less sleep… The Big Bang is our current theory about how everything began, the beginning of the universe and existence itself. Thinking about such an idea can be mind-bog...

Space didn’t used to be a big place

There are few things we can conceive of that are as mind-bogglingly large as space is. Our observable Universe, out to the deepest recesses of space that we can possibly see, takes us out some 46 billion light-years in all directions. From the Big Bang until now, our Universe has expanded while grav...

Our Planet Is Like A Big Peach

Now we all agree about the shape of Earth, let’s take a look at its size. Earth has a diameter measured at the equator of 12 756.2 kilometers, and of 12 713.6 kilometers if measured between poles, so its flattening is quite small, only 42.6 kilometers, making our planet almost indis...

Why Women Hate The Big Lebowski

From time to time my teenage son and I will go in for a little bit of Lebowski riffing. Should my son advance into the playoffs in one high school sport or another I will say to him, à la Jesús: “I see you roll your way into the semis. Dios mio man…” ...

Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Be Healthy, They Don’t Want to Kill You Either

The above title highlights the interplay within our current healthcare system. Much like Goldilocks, Big Pharma would like us ‘just right’: A population sick enough to demand their products, alive long enough to maintain supply. Pharmaceutical companies are in constant pursuit for pro...

Big Pharma’s Big Misstep: Price Hikes That Prove They’re Out of Touch

Let’s be clear: research and development costs money. Innovative medication takes time, talent, and resources. But while acknowledging these realities, we can’t ignore the staggering numbers. Across the industry, hundreds of drug prices are set to rise, some by as much as 9%. Insulin, a ...

All Tables, Big and Small

My parents came to the US as immigrants. They had no one. Then they had us. Some years, Thanksgiving was a very small affair. My parents prioritized making it special for us, cooking foods they didn’t know, willingly embracing the culture of their new homeland. I remember Pillsbury Crescent Ro...

How “Alice” Grew Big in Japan

Lewis Carroll’s Alice books hold a unique place in Japanese culture. The appearance of these works coincided with a key moment in the modernity of the island nation. They went on to become central, not only to the canon of children’s literature, but literature writ large, as we...

What It’s Like to be Short with Big Boobs

Several months ago, I discovered another struggle. I was playing a few games of pool with my then-boyfriend, who was tall and thin. He could easily move around the table and hit the ball with a full range of motion. Because my boobs were barely higher than the pool table, they got in my way. It was ...

2024 NBA Draft No Scouting Big Board v1.0

The NCAA season has come to a satisfying conclusion with Connecticut (one of the top-50 states in America) once again lifting the wooden plaque with a base thing that we’ll call a trophy. That means it is now time to rank the NBA draft prospects in this year’s class with an exercise I ca...