Retail Theft In Big Cities: Who’s To Blame?

<p>I&rsquo;m beyond tired of reading portrayals of San Francisco and Los Angeles as dystopian wastelands from people who have likely never set foot in places such as San Francisco and Los Angeles, let alone lived there.</p> <p>For the better part of the last 24 years, I have lived in San Francisco or Los Angeles.</p> <p>For the better part of my experience over the last 24 years, these cities have always had concentrated areas of the things you&rsquo;re reading more and more about today &mdash; homelessness, out in the open drug use, shoplifting and such.&nbsp;<strong><em>While there&rsquo;s no doubt the problems have gotten worse in these concentrated areas &mdash; while spreading into other parts of both cities (especially LA) &mdash; there are a few things that generally go unreported amid the hysteria and hyperbole.</em></strong></p> <p><a href=""><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
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