Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Be Healthy, They Don’t Want to Kill You Either

<p>The above title highlights the interplay within our current healthcare system. Much like Goldilocks, Big Pharma would like us &lsquo;just right&rsquo;: A population sick enough to demand their products, alive long enough to maintain supply.</p> <p>Pharmaceutical companies are in constant pursuit for profits and to realize them they need to push products. Without consumers or demand, there&rsquo;s no need for what you&rsquo;re selling, and you don&rsquo;t have much of a business.</p> <p>In the American healthcare system though, Big Pharma continues to rake in big profits. As far as businesses go, their model has been a resounding success, and it starts by distorting health.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Big Pharma