My Big Problem With Jesus

<p>When I look at his life, I see that he got pretty frustrated a lot of the time. He would say things like, &ldquo;how long do I have to put up with you?!&rdquo;, he called a Gentile woman a dog, and he seemed to always get angry pretty quickly at the Pharisees.</p> <p>When you disagree with someone, the worst thing you can do is attack them. They&rsquo;re just going to become more defensive and entrenched in their position. Surely Jesus would have realized that. He seemed to have wisdom beyond his years, and he never lost debates. So what was his purpose in calling his enemies snakes and hypocrites? Surely he realized it wasn&rsquo;t going to go down well with them.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>
Tags: Big Problems