Tag: UX

Can we assess the morality of our UX?

Morality is a combination of personal and social standards. It allows us to behave acceptably in society. What morality really means is something philosophers and the like have been reflecting on for ages. Writer and scientist Jonathan Haidt is among them. I discussed his Moral Foundations Theory...

Developing UX/AI thinking for a new design world

I remembered a time when I was working with the airline cargo operations department. Despite our various attempts to find a human-centric topic within cargo operations, we quickly realized that there were very few such instances. That was understandable since the customers are very far from this bac...

Has the MVP/Prototype UI/UX quality criteria increased for certain types ofB2C mobile apps?

I am writing this article primarily to express my own controversial opinion about early stage MVP mobile app creation. I acknowledge that I may be completely wrong but want to write this article just to express my opinions and add it to my personal blog collection. Just as a preface to the main t...

Web 3.0 for B2B: Using UX Research to Inform Blockchain Solutions

Introduction — Why should UX research give special attention to designing Web 3.0 applications in the context of B2B? When we talk about Web 3.0, we primarily talk about the technology that enables it — the blockchain. Blockchain is essentially a technology that has a very high potent...

Every UX/UI designer should know these 15 websites

Iorganize all my bookmarks and lists with valuable resources. Today I’m sharing with you a list of those sites that I find helpful for UX/UI designers (especially for beginners). There are many more, but I regularly update the list of sites and tools. 1. Picwish PicWish is a vers...

10 Minor UX Changes That Have a Huge Impact on Your Website

Don’t let your website be a lost cause in the vast internet landscape. Don’t let all the time and effort you put into creating content go to waste because of design shortcomings. A website’s design and user experience should be a harmonious symphony, working together to creat...

Why I don’t charge a single cent for my UX side projects

So before people tell me my title is click-bait, I actually do get paid for most of my projects. But it is 100% up to the discretion of the ones who engage in my services. I do not quote a price, I don’t charge a rate, and I do all the work upfront with zero expectation to be paid. ...

Over-complicated? Over-simplified? The UX Efficient Frontier

I’ve seen many candidates forget this important detail during our design interviews. We usually show them a complex screen of our B2B financial products, used by financial advisers and investment experts, and ask them to explain the design process they’d recommend in order to improve ...

The Most Important Rule in UX Design that Everyone Breaks

There is one principle of organization that every human should adhere to, particularly people who design products. Day after day, I see companies break this rule, and it is 100% of the time to their detriment. In this article I will explain what that rule is, and what it means to product and service...

Job application UX, the cult of productivity, Figma responsive mode

“Picking and pairing fonts really well is hard. It takes a lot of time too, especially if you don’t have experience with it. Can AI tools help you do this task better and quicker? Can it teach you how to do it well, if you’re less experienced?” Is AI better at picking and ...

Applying Kaizen principles to your UX team

Kaizen, which I understand to roughly mean “good change,” is a concept that favors small, continual improvements over large, sweeping overhauls. The philosophy is that small changes, applied consistently over time, can yield extraordinary results in quality and efficiency. Kaizen...

How to understand your clients better in a meeting — UX Design

I’ve recently adapted to become a newbie extrovert! Because I realized in UX, one of the most crucial things is to speak your thoughts. This made daily client meetings an ultimate playground for me to practice speaking and get comfortable with it. But, maybe I spoke too much and didn’...

The best UX for comics (so far)

Despite the best predictions by futurists of the past, the physical book vs ereader battle rages on. Today, bookworms enjoy the convenience of a library in their pocket while still purchasing paperbacks in droves. Rather than choosing one over the other, readers are satisfied with both digital and p...

The best UX for comics (so far)

Despite the best predictions by futurists of the past, the physical book vs ereader battle rages on. Today, bookworms enjoy the convenience of a library in their pocket while still purchasing paperbacks in droves. Rather than choosing one over the other, readers are satisfied with both digital and p...

The Future of UX in Games: What’s Next?

The gaming industry is on a relentless trajectory of evolution, constantly reshaping itself to offer enriched experiences to players. At the heart of this evolution lies the User Experience (UX), an element that has become synonymous with player satisfaction and retention. As we venture further into...

The Future of UX in Games: What’s Next?

The gaming industry is on a relentless trajectory of evolution, constantly reshaping itself to offer enriched experiences to players. At the heart of this evolution lies the User Experience (UX), an element that has become synonymous with player satisfaction and retention. As we venture further into...

7 obvious beginner mistakes with your game’s HUD (from a UI UX Art Director)

A video game interface has an immediate and lasting impact on gameplay, production, and the bottom-line. So… where are all the guides and best-practices for the most important Art in the entire game? Shouldn’t there be a primer somewhere? Some kind of shorthand? The box...

Metaverse, a new challenge for UX Designers?

Extended Reality (XR) isn’t just a buzzword; it’s ushering in an era where our digital and physical worlds blur. Enter the Metaverse, a collective virtual space, melding augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and more. As we stand on the cusp of this digital revolution, UX designe...

Utilizing the Metaverse as a UX Research tool

A lot has been written and spoken about the Metaverse in recent years, ranging from articles right here on Medium, to academic research papers spanning all the way back to 1996. While the technology as many picture it is yet to truly take off, many industries are abuzz with initiative...

The UX & UI Greatness Hidden Within The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.

2019 marks The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time’s 21st anniversary. It is credited with implementing many revolutions in the gaming industry through it’s gameplay, graphics, and storytelling. To celebrate this masterpiece of a video game, lets take a look into a less talked about mark of...

Unveiling the Secrets of UX Design in Games: An Analysis of Battlefield 2042

Introduction Keywords: UX Design in games, Battlefield 2042, gaming experience, UX Design elements In the world of gaming, UX Design plays a crucial role in providing an immersive and engaging experience for players. In this article, we will delve into the realm of UX Design in games, with a d...

Measuring simulator sickness in VR: a guide for UX researchers

Given that up to 1 in 3 people [1, 2] experience some type of motion sickness, it’s highly likely that either you or someone you know has felt a bit queasy after using a virtual reality (VR) simulator for the first time. And this includes your users. Although simulator sickness (S...

A little help getting into UX in Melbourne

It’s some time since I got started in Melbourne*, hence the “little” help in the title. But a few people have asked lately so I thought I’d share what knowledge I have. If you have more, please add in comments. Photo source: Visit Melbourne. Perhaps you should? Lear...

Embracing Japanese UX in Everyday Things

I’ve been in Japan for five months, surrounded by a culture that values thoughtful design and meticulous attention to detail. As a product designer, my passion for user experiences goes beyond the pixels on the screen. Some Japanese products are renowned for their exceptional UX, blending form...

My first year as a professional UX designer — part 1, Pre-history

Until a year ago, I worked as a front-end developer for many years, and before that, I worked in many areas of the IT sector. I’ve always found web- and application design much more appealing than API fetches and JavaScript coding. (I am still in love with coding, but only to a certain point....

The Inclusive UX Writing Starter Kit

I have a simple task for you. Take any random screen from your favorite app and try to visualize it without any written content. Every page title, heading, description, and button copy goes. What do you have left? Hold on, let me guess. Some images, icons, and a lot of confusion. Oh! And just ...

5 UX development phases to create your brand’s voice

Defining your brand voice embraces several levels of research and messaging development. From knowing your audience in depth to formulating your brand’s tonality with key research insights is the foundation to your brand development. Whether we develop a personal brand, a start-up, or refin...

Leveraging UX to improve the fashion design process

That's exactly the question I asked myself when I started to examine the garment development process through the lens of UX. Initially, I was curious about the parallels between the two processes which are easily seen in this infographic. However, breaking down the process in this way revealed i...

5 key UX trends that will boost your fashion brand.

This trend is particularly evident in the fashion industry, where the boundaries between digital and physical are increasingly blurred, and brands must constantly refine their hybrid retail experience, which begins long before the consumer’s intention to buy. Do you want to discov...