Why I don’t charge a single cent for my UX side projects

<p>So before people tell me my title is click-bait, I actually do get paid for most of my projects.&nbsp;<strong>But it is 100% up to the discretion of the ones who engage in my services.</strong></p> <p>I do not quote a price, I don&rsquo;t charge a rate, and I do all the work upfront with zero expectation to be paid.</p> <p>And sometimes I don&rsquo;t even get paid. It&rsquo;s a 50&ndash;50 curve-ball.</p> <blockquote> <p>But why do I do this? Am I crazy?</p> </blockquote> <p>Yeah, maybe a little bit. First off I want to mention that I am not rich enough to not care about money. I need money. I am not that well-off.</p> <p>And yet I intentionally go against the pricing models and strategies mentioned often in The Futur, High resolution and other design educational channels that aim to help designers price their services better and strive for better impact.</p> <p>So why do I do this? What benefit does this bring me as a design professional and how do I use this strategy for personal growth?</p> <p><a href="https://blog.prototypr.io/why-i-dont-charge-a-single-cent-for-my-ux-side-projects-eead62553355">Click Here</a></p>