Utilizing the Metaverse as a UX Research tool

<p>A lot has been written and spoken about the Metaverse in recent years, ranging from&nbsp;<a href="https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/using-virtual-reality-for-ux-research-and-prototyping-96756dc0f516" rel="noopener" target="_blank">articles right here on Medium</a>, to&nbsp;<a href="https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S019897151530017X" rel="noopener ugc nofollow" target="_blank">academic research papers</a>&nbsp;spanning all the way back to 1996. While the technology as many picture it is yet to truly take off, many industries are abuzz with initiatives, discussion and speculation about the potential of the Metaverse (or lack thereof). While I have my reservations about the adoption of VR/AR technology, you can&rsquo;t deny that the tech has been developing with leaps and bounds.</p> <p>While widespread use is yet to be upon us, the UX field can prepare and explore the challenges and possibilities of the tech. There are 2 branches here: explore and prepare the potential uses and impact the Metaverse will have on your industry, or explore how you can use the tech to improve your research or design practice. In this article I&rsquo;ll be covering the latter.</p> <p><a href="https://bootcamp.uxdesign.cc/utilizing-the-metaverse-as-a-ux-research-tool-67d2b7589c5d"><strong>Learn More</strong></a></p>
Tags: UX Research