Tag: Strategy

You Have A Data Strategy, Right?

If your organization desires to achieve certain results from its data, then creating a strategy is a mechanism to help get there. After all, the purpose of a strategy is to define a roadmap for reaching any number of organizational goals. What is a Strategic Plan? A strategic plan is an agreed...

Combatting Loneliness Requires a Customized Strategy

Telling a lonely person to just join a group is a little like telling an overweight individual they just need to eat less. Lonely people need more than simple admonitions. If you are lonely, you need strategies you believe you can execute and which will work for you. If you know someone who is lonel...

Strategy for Engineering Managers

Engineering Managers (EMs) have their sights focused on execution and people. They are working to ensure their team is achieving its goals and that their reports are on the right growth path. And that is plenty. Keeping a team running smoothly while creating a fulfilling environment for its members ...

Dynamic Strategy Backtesting: Developing a Trading System that Adapts to Changing Market Conditions

In this tutorial, we will explore how to develop a backtesting system that dynamically adjusts trading strategies based on changing market conditions. We will implement algorithms that continuously adapt to volatility, liquidity and other factors to optimize trading outcomes. Backtesting is a cru...

‘Doing strategy’ as a product designer

There’s a scene in the first Matrix film where a newly freed Neo progresses through his training, gains confidence, and even one-ups his mentor Morpheus in a sparring contest. Seeing how Neo is ready for the next level, Morpheus leaps a giant gap from rooftop to rooftop and invites Neo to foll...

Angular OnPush Change Detection Strategy: An Illustrated Guide

Ah, change detection — the “magic” that makes Angular applications tick, literally. For those unfamiliar with the term, it is the process through which Angular detects changes. (duh) You know… checking to see whether the application state has changed, and if any D...

2 Minute Tips: The Strategy Pattern

The “black” of the business world — strategy will never go out of fashion. By which, I mean the word “strategy”. Such gravitas. Such authority. As a classically-trained consultant, wrung through the gauntlet of 12 weeks of h̶e̶a̶v̶y̶ ̶d̶r̶i̶n...

Creating a Volume Stock Trading Strategy

Volume can sometimes provide hidden patterns that point to the market’s direction. This article discusses the main volume technical indicator and applies a simple strategy on it using Pine Script, Trading View’s coding language. For a detailed and thorough collection of trend followin...

The Dark Pool Trading Strategy

Sentiment Analysis is a vast and promising field in data analytics and trading. It is a rapidly rising type of analysis that uses the current pulse and market feeling to detect what participants intend to do or what positions they are holding. Imagine you are planning to go see a movie and you wa...


Let’s do it now step by step (with my method) Go to https://theaptosbridge.com/bridge and bridge some $USDC from Polygon (MM) to Aptos (@PontemWallet) Go to https://aptos.pancakeswap.finance/swap and swap $USDC to $APT Go to https://a...

Deploy & Vote to Earn — 4EVERLAND Airdrop Strategy

Earn up to $12M T-4EVER tokens! by Joining The First Showing 4EVERLAND Airdrop unleash your creativity in building decentralized front-end web pages. Timeline: Sept 1–15 Reward Mint: Sept 15 What is 4EVERLAND ? A Web3 infrastructure facilitating projects easier and faster...

Building a Trading Strategy with Machine Learning Models and Yahoo Finance in Python.

Developing a successful trading strategy requires a combination of market knowledge, technical analysis, and the ability to leverage data effectively. Machine learning models, coupled with financial data from sources like Yahoo Finance, offer a powerful approach to building robust trading strategies...

Winning Go-to-Market Strategy for Startups

Launching a startup can be challenging during the first few years. According to US SBA data, about two-thirds of newly established businesses survive through the two-year mark, and almost a half strive for longer than five years. The factors that contribute to the startup failure are the absenc...

10x Your Profits With This Pricing Strategy

Pricing your products or services can be a daunting task, especially if you’re just starting out in business. Many entrepreneurs make the common mistake of basing their prices solely on what their competitors are charging. Here, I will explore a more strategic and empowering approach to ...

AutoML for Algorithmic Trading Strategy Development

Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) plays a crucial role in crafting trading strategies driven by algorithms. In this tutorial, we’re going to walk you through AutoML, why it’s a game-changer in trading, and get you acquainted with two awesome AutoML tools, TPOT and H2O.ai. Create...

Overcome Mistakes Like an Elite Athlete

As a perfectionist, I can think of absolutely nothing more stressful than making mistakes. My anxiety tricks me into thinking that making an error is the worst thing in the entire world. That making a mistake spells catastrophe. Elite athletes think differently. To play at peak level, you have to...

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

How do you solve big problems? How do you answer difficult questions in life and business? Is there a systematic approach that fits any situation? There is. Luckily in university, I had a complete course about systematic problem solving taught by a senior partner at McKinsey Management Consult...

The 4-Step Framework to Solve Almost Any Problem Like Top Strategy Consultants

How do you solve big problems? How do you answer difficult questions in life and business? Is there a systematic approach that fits any situation? There is. Luckily in university, I had a complete course about systematic problem solving taught by a senior partner at McKinsey Management Consult...

My Time, My Projects: What Time Management Strategy Works for Me?

Everything Starts with a Bird’s-eye View. An eagle-eye view! My cats have finally gone to sleep, and now there’s peace and quiet. Over a cup of coffee, I jot down in my agenda what I want to achieve for the upcoming day. I use a simple agenda and write with a cheap pen. Fillin...

Seize Your Time With This Simple Time Management Strategy

Scroll through Instagram, but do it intentionally. That is a dumbed-down version of “Make Time” by John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp. The crux of the book is to block and protect your time for things you want to do. That way, you become more intentional with how you spend your time. Fro...

Strategy and Tactics are not mutually exclusive things

Part of this is a by-product of running larger companies successfully. As the company size grows, you need to elevate yourself out of the weeds and towards a more long-term view. But another part is the importance of balancing short-term, tactical work with long-term strategic intent. Although...

Data Governance Tools: A Guide for Better Data Management Strategy

In an era where data is the linchpin of business operations and strategic decision-making, ensuring its accuracy, reliability, and security through effective data governance is paramount. Businesses, regardless of size, are inundated with a plethora of data governance tools, each...

Unlocking Data Strategy-Which is Right for Your Business?

With the increase in demand of ingesting huge variety, volume and velocity of data on the day to day basis, led to the upcoming of new data warehouse solution which can resolve major problems of processing of big data. Hold In the journey of this article we will explore pros and cons of Database,...

An Examination of Strategy: View-First vs ViewModel-First MVVM

In the application development, the architecture pattern “MVVM” (Model-View-ViewModel) frequently emerges as an interview topic, a code base UI philosophy, and/or a point of contention to which is better between MVP, MVC or MVVM. This creates particular confusion when the platforms in qu...

What can we learn from Copenhagen’s Cloudburst Strategy?

With the rapid changing of climate, people are often looking for the best respond to defend their properties against flooding and improve their infrastructure at every level in between. Due to extensive urbanisation in the past two decades, we have disrupted our natural water cycle, contributing to ...

Follow This Simple Strategy to OPT-OUT of LAUSD’s Coming Out Day Curriculum

Are you concerned you will be blocked from excluding your child from the Los Angeles Unified School District’s Coming Out Day curriculum or a similar gender identity curriculum? Your mindset and strategy are everything when going into this battle: you don’t have to prove your c...

Designing a Regenerative Community Strategy

This article aims to provide insights into regenerative design as a fundamental and indispensable principle of community design by focusing on our explorations and learnings that emerged at our “Regenerative Community Jam” Workshop held in conjunction with Dutch Design Week at ...

Trend Following Mastery With The SuperTrend Complex Strategy

The Supertrend is designed to help identify the direction of an asset’s trend. In simple terms, it tells you whether the market is in an uptrend or downtrend. The Supertrend is plotted on the price chart and consists of two lines: one indicating the trend’s direction (up or down) and ...

Outperform 99% Of Investors with This Simple Strategy!

You will also be able to develop your own investment style and strategy that suits your personality, goals, and risk tolerance. Most successful investors do nothing most of the time. Do not confuse movement with action. Know when to sit and wait. These are some of the principles that guide the be...

A Conversation about Cultural Strategy

Many of us working in the field of cultural strategy feel that there is both confusion and conflation amongst key terms and concepts that is holding our work back. To address this, several groups of practitioners came together earlier this year to discuss definitions and relationships between terms,...

A Response to Kevin DeYoung’s Culture War Strategy

When we get downstairs, I discover that my six and eight year olds have already helped themselves to breakfast, with one of them spilling the milk on the floor. Now I’m wrestling two hungry little ones through diaper changes, in which they keep lifting their butts and trying to spin while I wi...

Wan Lin: My Practice On Strategy

I’m delighted to be here today to talk about strategy. I find strategy a bit difficult to explain, so I’d like to start by talking about my own experiences. If we were to talk about strategy purely in terms of methodology, you’d be better off reading a book, which would definitely ...

Lets Talk About Biden’s Reelection Strategy.

The Biden vs Trump rematch that’s seemed inevitable from the beginning is one step closer to being upon us, and in the coming weeks it’ll be interesting to see how these campaign staffs begin to prepare their messaging and strategies for the long haul heading into November. Of course, we...

How to execute a brilliant strategy in Chinese

Want to learn how to strategize like a brilliant Chinese military general? Say, Sun Tzu, for example? If you said yes, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong person. Most days, I can barely strategize my way out of a sock drawer. HOWEVER, I can show you how to SAY “strategy/s...