Combatting Loneliness Requires a Customized Strategy

<p>Telling a lonely person to just join a group is a little like telling an overweight individual they just need to eat less. Lonely people need more than simple admonitions. If you are lonely, you need strategies you believe you can execute and which will work for you. If you know someone who is lonely, the same strategies can help you help them.</p> <p>Just like obesity, the reasons for loneliness can be complex. They often include a mix of factors you can act on, and others you may be powerless to affect. Some of the causes could benefit more from system-level strategies than individual approaches.</p> <p>The problem is big and growing. According to a&nbsp;recent health advisory&nbsp;issued by the US Surgeon General, the risks to one&rsquo;s health from loneliness and social isolation are comparable to three well-known health problems &mdash; smoking, diabetes, and obesity.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Read More</strong></a></p>
Tags: Strategy