Overcome Mistakes Like an Elite Athlete

<p>As a perfectionist, I can think of absolutely nothing more stressful than making mistakes. My anxiety tricks me into thinking that making an error is the worst thing in the entire world. That making a mistake spells catastrophe.</p> <p>Elite athletes think differently. To play at peak level, you have to play aggressively. You have to take risks, and you are going to make mistakes. It&rsquo;s unavoidable. Elite athletes understand that errors are part of high performance and a necessary way to learn new skills and strategies. Instead of spending time and energy trying to avoid mistakes, elite athletes learn how to bounce back quickly from errors.</p> <h1>The &ldquo;4Fs&rdquo; Strategy</h1> <p>Years ago I went to a conference and heard an insightful presentation by Dr. Nicole Detling, a renowned mental performance consultant. She discussed a strategy called the &ldquo;4Fs&rdquo; for bouncing back to high performance after making a mistake (originally described in Owens and Kirschenbaum, 1998).</p> <p>I forgot about this technique for years but was reminded of it when I was helping a team quickly recover from mistakes. The 4Fs framework involves four steps after making a mistake: Fudge, Fix, Forget, and Focus. When I teach this framework, I use five steps: Frick, Finish, Fix, Focus, and Forgive.</p> <p><a href="https://medium.com/@marinaharris20/overcome-mistakes-like-an-elite-athlete-781536806ec3">Click Here</a></p>