Designing a Regenerative Community Strategy

<p>This article aims to provide insights into<strong>&nbsp;regenerative design as a fundamental and indispensable principle of community design&nbsp;</strong>by focusing on our explorations and learnings that emerged at our &ldquo;Regenerative Community Jam&rdquo; Workshop held in conjunction with Dutch Design Week at Eindhoven in October 2022.</p> <p>The workshop helped facilitate a collective brainstorm on regenerative projects, through our newly-developed open-source &ldquo;<strong>Regenerative Community Design Canvas</strong>&rdquo;, which will be shared below.</p> <p>In this article, we will first introduce the &ldquo;fertile grounds&rdquo; of Eindhoven and the Netherlands, explore current challenges, and discuss how to move beyond sustainability towards regeneration/regenerative design. Then we&rsquo;ll share more about the workshop through case studies, format details, a guide to using the aforementioned canvas, and finally, a list of resources for further exploration.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Website</strong></a></p>