Seize Your Time With This Simple Time Management Strategy

<p>Scroll through Instagram, but do it intentionally.</p> <p>That is a dumbed-down version of &ldquo;Make Time&rdquo; by John Zeratsky and Jake Knapp. The crux of the book is to block and protect your time for things you want to do. That way, you become more intentional with how you spend your time.</p> <p>From the multitude of ideas/techniques presented in the book, here are some of the most effective ones to help you take control of your time.</p> <h2>What is the Make Time framework?</h2> <p>When working at Google and Youtube, the authors ran experiments on themselves and their colleagues on what works best for time management. &ldquo;Make Time&rdquo; is the result of those experiments.</p> <p><img alt="Make Time Framework" src="*OnG3AFDLHVgrASPGqGfPoQ.png" style="height:189px; width:266px" /></p> <p>Make Time Framework</p> <p>This simple framework consists of 4 steps repeated every day. They are as follows;</p> <ol> <li><strong>Highlight:&nbsp;</strong>The first step is to choose the &ldquo;highlight&rdquo; for the day. The highlight is the task you want to do on that day above the rest. Your highlight is the top priority for the day.</li> <li><strong>Laser:&nbsp;</strong>Laser is an umbrella term for the tactics that you will use to stay focussed (laser-focussed) when you&rsquo;ve sat down to work on your highlight</li> <li><strong>Energize:&nbsp;</strong>To accomplish any task, you need the required energy. This step involves tactics you can deploy to manage it to ensure you complete your highlight.</li> <li><strong>Reflect:&nbsp;</strong>The final step is to reflect on what you did that day, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Were you able to make time for your highlight? What worked? What didn&rsquo;t?</li> </ol> <p>Now that you know the &ldquo;Make Time&rdquo; framework, I will outline the most impactful ideas/techniques from the book to make it easier to implement for beginners.</p> <p><a href=""><strong>Click Here</strong></a></p>